
Prevent series from using clWhite with Delphi TChart

I have a report that uses a TChart that I am maintaining. One of the TLineSeries that gets added automatically gets assigned the color clWhite, which is too close to the background (clBtnFace). If I change it, then the next series that gets added takes clWhite. So short of going back and changing it after all the other series are cr...

Get TChartSeries at XY Point in TChart

I'm using the TChart control that comes with Delphi 7 and wish to get the Series and Value # of the line/bar under the mouse pointer. I'm aware of the OnClickSeries event which provides great info but I really want this info when I hover over a series. EDIT: I found a hittest method on TChart which works with any series types and multi...

Delphi TeeChart only showing one record from dataset

Using Delphi Steema TeeChart component, if I link a BarSeries to a dataset using the user interface, it shows up fine, but if I do it using code (which I need to), it's only showing one bar, even when I have several records in the database. What am I doing wrong? Code: var i:Integer; Bar:TBarSeries; begin ADataSet.Close; AD...

Mouseover hint for TChart series value

I am using a TChart in Delphi 7, and I want to display some bar charts. I am using the following code to set up the series values from a database query: chart1.FreeAllSeries; chart1.SeriesList.Clear; chart1.AddSeries(TBarSeries.Create(Self)); TBarSeries(chart1.Series[0]).BarStyle:=bsRectGradient; with query1 do begin ...

Setting Line Colour In TChart

How can I change the colour of a line in a TChart in Delphi at run time? For example, how would I change the colour of: Chart1.Series[a]. ...