
How does a TCustomControl receive input focus?

I am writing a grid control which I based on TCustomControl so I can handle all the structure, painting and navigation myself. The bit that I can't seem to figure out is this: In my constructor, I set ControlStyle to this: ControlStyle := ControlStyle + [csCaptureMouse, csClickEvents, csDoubleClicks, csNeedsBorderPaint, csPannable]...

How do I make the scrollbar's thumbtrack resize

If you open Notepad, add ten lines and resize the editor to only show nine, the thumb track (the draggable block on a scroll bar) is almost the full length of the vertical scroll bar. If you add a couple of thousand rows, the thumb track is only a few pixels high. I'd like to duplicate this bahaviour in a TCustomControl descendant where...

how to create TCustomControl behave like Tpanel?

how to create TCustomControl behave like Tpanel? like MyCustmComponent for example. That can drop a components in it like labels, images etc. sorry for my english.. ...

how to add TAboutBox in TCustomControls?

I want to add aboutbox/dialogbox on my Custom component. how to make the small button[...] appear on the object inspector? just like the assigning a picure on the Timage component. ...