It seems like static files can only be served from the same domain as the app.
I could create a new app for hosting static files but I'm a little nervous that that would a violation of the terms of service.
I have non-technical question. Can someone translate me terms of use for Google Adwords API into "normal" words ? I would like to know if I am legally allowed to use Google Adwords API for non-adwords purposes.
My example would be a web application used for content management. Let's say I want to create a new page and I want to...
First, excuse my english, I am french.
1- Hi, I would like to develop an app doing pedestrian rally in a specific city, displaying photos and question to user.
2- I would like to buy 15 Ipod touch under my name, and rent them for corporate activity.
3- I read that ad hoc distribution is good only for testing and/or for only employees ...
Facebook's developer principles and policies and the general terms of use seem to forbid automated data collection, but seems to allow it:
User-agent: *
Does anybody know how to make sense of this?