
Traveling salesman example with known global optimum

Hello. I made a memetic algorithm in Python for traveling salesman problem. However, all the test data (list of distances between cities) I've encountered lack the information of the best solution, so I can't know how close to global optimum my algorithm gets. Does anyone know where I can find some tsp test data (preferably in matrix f...

Good test database on Windows to play around with data retrieval operations in SQL?

I need a test database to practice joins and other kinds of data retrieval operations in SQL. What's a good free test database and RDBMS system to use on Windows? ...

Dummy data generator

Hi all, Can you suggest sites where I can generate dummy data based on my requirement for testing purposes of my project? Note: I need a dummy data for usage of VMs and physical servers in terms of memory, CPU, disk, I/O utilization in percentage. Is there any site which provides utility to generate this kind of data? ...

Spring/Hibernate testing: Inserting test data after DDL creation

I have a Spring/Hibernate webapp that has some integration tests that run on an in-memory HSQL database. Hibernate takes this blank database and creates all of my test tables and constraints thanks to hbm2ddl=create. However, I have a new bean that checks for a particular config value from the database during its afterPropertiesSet() m...

How to create big datasets for test purposes?

Hi, I need to test some charting classes. For these I want to create a big dataset of 1-2 million data! How can I create such big datasets? thanks ...

Sample Database for Full Text Searching

I am looking to do some benchmarking on Full Text Search indexes in PostgreSQL, SQLServer and Lucene. Any ideas on where to find a good big sample database to perform queries against? Thanks a lot in advance. ...