
pdflatex document to html

I need to convert a bunch of pdflatex only documents (because of graphics-- .pdf's jpgs & pngs) to html. tex4ht is giving a bunch of garbage output. the documents are built using the \input command. Is there anything I can do to help tex4ht with a pdflatex document? I've looked at many converters (pandoc, hevea, tth, latex2rtf) but none ...

What's the relation of file.4ct and file.4tc generated by MikTex's latex.exe

I'm currently investigation problems with our scripted documentation generation (.tex -> .pdf and .chm) and I have to admit that I'm pretty clueless when it comes to generating LaTeX. Long story short: PDF is correctly generated via pdflatex -output-format=pdf -interaction=batchmode ourfile.tex Script then goes on to call 3 times: la...