
Html editor - Text to HTML convertor

I want to convert my text into HTML format, it would be just like this: that I just copy paste the text from word, pdf [with formatting & colors] to the editor and it will convert it into HTML tags, so that when I decode it again it would give me the same format that I have pasted. I am mostly happy with PageBreeze but sometimes it dest...

Text to HTML in SharePoint using Javascript

I have a summary single-line text column in SharePoint 2007 that is a truncation of a multi-line text column. Going through the complicated process to get there, it turns into text which then needs to be converted back to HTML, so that the tags like <div> don't show. The following code works if the multi-line column is rich text, but n...

Text to HTML in PHP.

Hello, nl2br(); can do for EOL but what about white spaces and/or tabs at the beginning(or not) of line? Is there any function to do this at once? I need well formatted html output of text file. Thx. ...