
Is there a .NET library/utility that will convert a Word document to an MP3 format?

Does anyone know of any well-supported/proven methods for converting a Microsoft Word document to an MP3 or WAV format such that hearing-impaired folks could "listen" to documents that I have stored in my web-based document management system? I already have the interface built such that someone can use the telephone to get the list of d...

Delphi SAPI Text-To-Speech

First of all: this is not a duplicate of http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1021490/delphi-and-sapi. I have a specific problem with the "SAPI in Delphi" subject. I have used the excellent Import Type-Library guide in Delphi 2009 to get a TSpVoice component in the component palette. This works great. With var SpVoice: TSpVoice; I c...

System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer - how to customize the voice?

Hello. SpeechSynthesizer allows peaking different voices by using SelectVoiceByHints(VoiceGender, VoiceAge)function (as I understood). But no customization happens if I change the gender and voice age. Can you explain why? And if I'm doing something wrong, what is correct way to do that? Thank you. ...

Text To Speech - TOMSOFT

I haven't been able to get a hold of the people over at tomsoft http://www.tomsoft.co.uk/ and I want to know if anyone has used their TTS Engine. I'm debating whether or not to buy it, and I want to know, does it call home? How is it integrated? I'm also worried that since they are not replying to emails sent long ago, I may not receiv...

Microsoft Speech API to read a french text

Hello, I would like to build an application that reads french text. I have already developed the app and it is able to read the text in English. I only need how to pass a parameter to the speech API so that it would speak in French. Thanks in advance ...

It's posible to do SpeechToText(Speech recognition) and afterwards TextToSpeech (using same text and same voice)?

Hello I'm working on a program for tone deaf people. I've working with sapi and a TTs. The program does a 3D animation with a hand at the same time. But the problem is that the voices (also when a put them at its slowest speech) is to fast for what I want. So, I've thought on speech recognition, but the problem is that I've to do a larg...

Creating TTS Package

How can i create TTS voice Packages? I have a small app converting text to speach, right now i am using microsoft's built in tts packages to do the text to speach, however, i want to get a proffesional voice artist to create a new text to speach voice package. problem being, i do not know how to create that voics package(TTS) ...

How do you chang the audio device in using System.Speech.Synthesis

I'm trying to use System.Speech.Synthesis to play text that is then output over a tapi modem. SetOutputToDefaultAudioDevice() is easy enough to figure out, but I don't want the sound to come out of the speakers. I think i need to use SetOutputToAudioStream, but I'm not sure how to use it and I can't find any examples ... I tried cha...

Pyttsx not saying all text when using non default voice

I created a small module to speak the text that is sent to it. It works fine if I don't use engine.setProperty to set the voice, but if I set the voice it will only play the first command. import pyttsx def speak( text ): if text != "": engine = pyttsx.init() engine.setProperty('voice', "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE...

SpeechSynthesizer doesn't get all installed voices

I have installed a new scansoft voice (Jennifer) in my Windows 7 OS in order to be able to use from in one application i'm developing. but the problem is that I when I call the method : List<string> allInstalledVoices = new SpeechSynthesizer().GetInstalledVoices(); I only get one voice returned, the default Microsoft Anna Voice. b...

Outputting Java Speech sound as .wav file

Hi there, I have been looking for a way to save the output of speech synthesis as a .wav file. I have downloaded FreeTTS and CloudGarden, but FreeTTS has problems with setting up MBROLA voices on windows machines, and the CloudGarden examples contain depreceated methods which produce errors even if the previous versions of the jsapi are...

Microsoft speech api 5.1 GetVoices returns voices that don't exist on Windows 7.

I'm migrating from XP to Windows 7 64 bit. My app which I compiled on my XP machine works properly on XP. However when I run the exe on my W7 machine, the list of voices returned by GetVoices is as follows: Microsoft Anna Microsoft Mary Microsoft Mike Sample TTS Voice. Checking the W7 Speech Properties dialog shows that only Microsoft...

how to create a button that plays a mp3 google tts

hello everybody! i'm new here but i hope you can help me. i'm trying to create a button that plays the text to speech mp3 that google generates. i'm creating a translator, so, what i want is to do something like google translate is (in some way). i've tried with javascript and actionscript but i couldn't make it work. i have this java...

FreeTTS hanging in ColdFusion 8 / Java

I'm looking into setting up a text-to-speech interpreter to make our CAPTCHA challenges ADA compliant. We're a ColdFusion shop, and Ray Camden's already done the proof of concept for this last year. I've been using his blog post here - http://www.coldfusionjedi.com/index.cfm/2009/5/29/Generating-Speech-with-ColdFusion-and-Java - as a res...

Android - Disabling Text To Speech Logging for Data Security

My application has some data which I would like to keep secure. I have also enabled the application to use text-to-speech. Unfortunately, the application writes out whatever it says to the log file. This means that a third party application (with permissions to access the logs) could gain access to the data. Is there any way I can disabl...

how to compile text-to-speech festival voice free library on win32 with VC

Hello all i need to embed text-to-speech into my application with human void not robotic i found about festival lib that seams good the only problem is after reading the docs im not sure if its working on windows or not ? did someone manage to compile the lib on windows without sygwin ...

Android TTS Languages

I am playing with the Android TTS engine. I am trying to set it to speak in Spanish from Mexico, rather than from Spain. I have tried several combination's of language code / country code but I have not been able to get anything by Spanish from Spain. Here is my code currently loc = new Locale("es", "MEX"); myTts.setLanguage(loc); say(...

Can I use SAPI 4 on Windows 7?

The problem with SAPI 5 is that I can't find any free Portuguese (Brazilian) voices; plus, I need to distribute the speech engine along with my program, so the paid alternatives would be way too much expensive. Is there any way that I can use and distribute the SAPI 4 engine and voices and make it work in Windows Vista and Windows 7? ...

can we convert text to voice or viceversa?

hie, can we convert text to voice and voice to text in blackberry? is there any api present for doing this? i have seen some apps in market who is doing the same? how we can convert text to voice plz help me? thnks.. ...

Windows binaries for Festival Speech Synthesis System

Can anyone point me to a site to download the Windows binaries for Festival Speech Synthesis System : src ? ...