
Silverlight TextBox, moving caret position

Hi, I am trying to make a TextBox behavior for an on-screen keyboard, it can update the text in the textbox but I can't get it to focus the textbox and move the caret to the end of the text once it's done updating. I have tried using TextBox.Focus() and TextBox.Select() in both orders with no luck. Thanks for your time ...

Using C#, how do I set tab positions in a multiline textbox?

Is there a graceful way to set custom tab sizes/positions in a multiline textbox in C#? ...

Setting WPf Datagrid Combobox value to its respective textbox

I am having a textbox and a combobox as a template column. Below is XAML <wpfkit:DataGrid Margin="3" Style="{DynamicResource SimpleDataGrid}" FontWeight="Normal" MaxHeight="100" CanUserAddRows="True" ItemsSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource odpExistingGHSCodesColl}}" AutoGenerateColumns="False" Name="dgGHS" VerticalScrollBarVi...

.NET: TextChanged event for TextBox not always firing, even though KeyUp and KeyDown are firing

I'm running into a very peculiar issue. I noticed that occasionally while typing into my TextBox, I'll lose some keystrokes. I added a bunch of trace statements in events hooked by this TextBox, and I found that when I lost keystrokes, the KeyUp, KeyDown, and KeyPress events all correctly fired, but the TextChanged event never fired. ...

jquer numeric textbox with min and max ranges

i see this question but none of the solutions support min and max values range http://stackoverflow.com/questions/995183/how-to-allow-only-numeric-0-9-in-html-inputbox-using-jquery I see that http://jstepper.emkay.dk/ attempts to do this but seems very buggy as it allows you to enter multiple decimal places and other characters such as...

How would I use a control to get info from another page part of the same masterfile

I have a Masterfile that has a header control with a button, and the ContentPlaceHolder which would be another page with multiple text boxes. When I press the button in the header, I need to iterate through all the text boxes and grab their text, how exactly would I do this using C#? ...

Delete Lines From Beginning of Multiline Textbox in C#

Hello. Is there a graceful way in C# to delete multiple lines of text from the beginning of a multiline textbox? I am using Microsoft Visual C# 2008 Express Edition. Thanks. EDIT - Additional Details The multiline textbox in my application is disabled (i.e. it is only editable by the application itself), and every line is terminated ...

C# textbox deletion question

Hi: I am working on a project that I use textbox as telnet terminal. The terminal has "->" as the command prompt in the textbox. Is there a way to disable the delete or backspace once it reach the "->" prompt? I don't want to delete the command prompt. Thanks ...

How do you make one of those search boxes on a web page that previews search results?

I'm developing a web site that has a search box as part of the standard page template (similar to what you see on the top right of the SO site). I want to dynamically preview possible matches to the user input, similar to what you see when you start typing in a query into the google.com search page, as a drop down that appears underneath...

How to call a server side function on Leave event of a ASP.Net TextBox.

I am building a user registration form in asp.net. I want to check if the username is available or not on the leave event of the TextBox. I am not able to get the Leave Event of the TextBox. Should I use OnBlur event of the Html TextBox. Please Help. ...

From textbox to decimal value then into access database in c#

I'm reading a decimal value from textbox1 and need to insert it to an decimal field in my database. I having a trouble with "," and "." so first I'm replacing ","s with "." But unfortunately If I enter 1.34 in textbox, it becomes 134.00 in db. string text = textBox1.Text; text = text.Replace(",", "."); decimal total = decimal.Parse(te...

Access Text Boxes (in a Keynote slide) in AppleScript

Need some help to figure out how to access Text Boxes inside a slide in Keynote with Applescript. I tried to use ASDictionary but I couldn't find anything that would resemble a text box object. I fear that they are not scriptable in Keynote, but perhaps I can access them through Applescript Cocoa bridge? Any thoughts? Thanks! ...

ms access 2003 - Text boxes on a form: not jumping to any text box

Ok so I add all these text boxes on an unbound form, and everytime you open a form, it sort of jumps to the first text box so you can enter some information into it. How do I get rid of that, because I do not want it to auto jump to the first text box when the form opens...i do not want it to jump to any text box when the form open at a...

C# Application Becomes Slow and Unresponsive as String in Multiline Textbox Grows

Hello. I have a C# application in which a LOT of information is being added to a Textbox for display to the user. Upon processing of the data, almost immediately, the application becomes very slow and unresponsive. This is how I am currently attempting to handle this: var saLines = textBox1.Lines; var saNewLines = saLines.Skip(...

is there any plugin that can link a list of textboxes to a select dropdown and keep them in sync

i have a list of textboxes in a column of a html table. The table has an "Add" and "Remove" button next to it which (when clicked) will add new rows or delete existing rows. I would like to have a dropdown select on my page that is essentially linked to this array of textboxes, listing out the values of the list of textboxes so: if i ...

Clearing Textbox does not set binding to null

I am having difficulty setting an empty TextBox to null on an nullable DB Field. XAML <y:TextBox Text="{Binding Year1Cost, Mode=TwoWay, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged, NotifyOnValidationError=True, ValidatesOnDataErrors=True, ValidatesOnExceptions=True, StringFormat=\{0:c\}}" Grid.Row="3" Grid...

Calculated value on textChanged event can't be updated to database

I have invoice form bound to a bindingsource and bindingnavigator. In the form I have unit price, quantity and total textboxes. The total textbox text property is set to total.text = quantity.text * unitprice.text in the textChanged event of both quantity and unitprice text boxes. The result is displayed in the total textbox. But when i ...

Is there a C# method similar to Javascripts OnBlur?

I am creating a windows form in C#, I have phone and email fields that I want to validate when the user leaves the fields, when I double click the textbox in visual studio, it writes a textchanged event, I don't want to call the validate method until the user is done entering the full entry. Is there a way to do this similar to OnBlur...

Creating a flicker-free text box that can be rapidly updated

I'm trying to create a search tool and would like to display the results in a text box, much like the one contained in Visual Studio - this means that for long searches results will be appended to the end of the text box while the user is attempting to look at the results at the top of the text box. At the moment I'm using a standard te...

Best way to get the 'word before the cursor' in any open app's text field.

I'm writing a text entry app that sits in the System Tray and assists in text entry via keyboard hooks. The current character the user types is determined by previous letters. So if you have "I want to ben|" where "|" represents the caret, when the user hits the keyboard the next letter is determined by doing calculation on the previous...