
TextMate js.erb: toggle <%= %>, <% %>

I'm using a js.erb template to render some jQuery. When editing an html.erb file in TextMate, I frequently use the convenient key combo, ctrl+>, to create and then toggle the following tags: <%= %> <% %> <%- -%> <%# %> This shortcut doesn't work by default when editing js.erb files. In the Bundle Editor, I found a snippet called "...

TextMate's default CSS bundle throws an error when trying to use code complete

I like code complete for CSS because sometimes I forget what values are available for a property. Unfortunately it seems that TextMate's default CSS bundle errors when trying to use it's implementation of Code Complete. The error it generates is... /Applications/TextMate.app/Contents/SharedSupport/Support/lib/codecompletion.rb:319:in ...