
Jquery: possible to change the text selection color in a textarea with jquery? css doesn't work :(

textarea::selection { background:#0099ff;} That's how you specify a text selection color for chrome in CSS, i know it's different for different browsers but I wanted to know if there's a way to change the selection color inside of a textarea, because the code above wont work for chrome, now, in the code above if i changed textarea to p...

Monitor selections in any application

I want to monitor all text selections made in any application by the user. Is that possible? I would prefer a solution in .net, but vanilla C++ is OK. If not, can I monitor all text copy operations (CTRL+C) from a .net application? similar question: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/653003/in-c-is-there-a-way-to-consistently-be-able-...

Jquery - If cursor position at the start/end in a textfield

Hi, i have a textarea and I want to check if the cursor is at the start or at the end (I dont need the current position). Did anybody know a simple jQuery solution? Thanks in advance! Peter ...

jqueryUI Sortable: handling .disableSelection() on form inputs

example: i have an un-ordered list containing a bunch of form inputs. after making the ul .sortable(), I call .disableSelection() on the sortable (ul) to prevent text-selection when dragging an li item. ..all fine but I need to re/enable text-selection on the form inputs.. or the form is basically un-editable .. i found a partial so...