
Find all locked files in TFS

I would like to see all files that are locked. so far, I've only found to use tf.exe status and look for anything with '!' because they are not reported as "lock, edit" as they are in the UI. Any ideas? thanks. ...

When did I last 'Get Latest' from TFS?

I have some version of code on my machine. I want to set up a second machine with the same version of code so I can pull down a shelveset based off this version. However, I didn't write down the day/time I last did get latest on my machine. To get the right version, I need to know when exactly I last did 'get latest' on my machine. I...

Moving files from one Team Foundation Project to Another

Our project has hit a point where we need to split off some code into a separate team foundation project. We would like to move these files so they retain their version control history. Temporarily we are copying the files back to the original team foundation project and re-adding them just so that our daily build & test process doesn'...

Help needed with tf diff.

Using Visual Studio 2008 tools, I am trying to get an ASCII diff of change sets 14318 and 14317. I can do so using GUI: tf changeset 14318 and then select a file and right-click and select compare with previous version. However, this is a bit tedious and it is GUI-based. My task at hand is to back-port many changes into a different ...