
TFS 2008 Not Sending Email Notifications

I am trying to get TFS 2008 to send me email notifications - primarily when a build fails. I have tried right-clicking on the project in Team Explorer, choosing Team Alerts and I have checked the "A build completes" item. It has my correct email address in the "Send to" field. I have also tried using the "Alerts" node that comes with Pow...

TFS 2008: How do I setup the Alert functionality?

The alerts that I setup for source code changes isn't being triggered. I suspect that the email server settings are wrong, but where would I configure them? ...

TFS 2010 Email Alerts - Filter by more than one Status Code?

I am setting up my email alerts in TFS 2010 using the Alerts Explorer from the TFS Power Tools. I want to receive an email when a build either fails or partially succeeds. The filter seems to be too basic to achieve this. I have created the filter as follows "TeamProject" = 'My Project' AND "StatusCode" = 'Failed' OR "StatusCode" ...