
In TFS 2010 is there any equivalent to reporter (or a way to change the "Created By" field)

When adding a work item to TFS 2010 via the SDK, the incidents are created using the same identity that was used to authenticate to the TFS server. In other applications providing defect tracker/work item support the API normally allows you to set a Reporter/ReportedBy/CreatedBy field, so you can make it appear as if the user your servi...

How does paging of TFS work item queries work, and are there any limitations?

I can execute a query via the TFS 2010 API like say: string wiql = @"SELECT [System.ID], [System.Title] FROM workitems order by [System.ID] asc"; WorkItemCollection items = project.Store.Query(wiql); foreach (WorkItem item in items) { ///... do stuff } To return all the work items - but it appears there is no way to control...

Extract, zip and publish TFS source-controlled items to FTP server

I want to publish nightly builds + source code of a specific project on a tfs 2010 server (local network, inside the firewall) to a (local network, in the dmz) ftp server. Build Get latest version Zip build and code Copy to ftp server Copying the files can use ftp protocol or copy to network share. Can I do this easily with team-b...

Return newly created TFS work item ID using TFS API?

Hello, Using the TFS API, I am able to create a TFS item, no problem. What would be the best way for me to know what the Item ID is for the newly created Item? Thank you, George try { // Authenticate User Account NetworkCredential account = new NetworkCredential(USERNAME, PASSWORD, DOMAIN); ...

WorkItemCollection items too slow to access

Using TFS SDK, I am querying workitems using WorkItemStore.Query: WorkItemCollection workItems = WorkItemStore.Query("SELECT ID from workitems"); foreach(WorkItem wi in workItems) { string Id = wi.Id; foreach(Attachment attachment in wi.Attachments) { Console.Write(attachment.Uri.OriginalString); //SLOW } } Ac...

TFS: How to compare changesets between two branches

Hi How can I find changesets in Branch A that were not merged to branch B programmatically. This what Merge Window does in TFS client GUI but I need to programmatically get the list of changesets. Say I have Microsoft.TeamFoundation.VersionControl.Client.Workspace reference. ...