
When does MSBuild set the $(ProjectName) property?

I'm fairly new to MSBuild, and I've done some customization on a Wpf project file that I'm building both in VS2010 and TFS2010. I've customized the output path as follows: <OutputPath Condition=" '$(TeamBuildOutDir)' == '' ">$(SolutionDir)build\binaries\$(ProjectName)\$(Configuration)\$(Platform)</OutputPath> <OutputPath Condition=" '$(...

Why does Tfs2010 build my Wix project before anything else?

Hi all, A similar question was asked and answered about a year ago, but was either a different issue (everything was in beta) or misdiagnosed. It's located here: My issue is that I have a wix installer project, and after upgradi...

How do I do a simple Exec activity in TFS Build 2010

TFS Build 2010 is completely different from 2008. There is no "Exec" task - I'm looking for a 2010 equivalent "activity". Is there a way to perform a basic command line execution in TFS Build 2010? ...

Can I use a TFS 2008 Build Server with .NET 4.0? With VS 2010?

I am thinkin about building my first TFS 2008 Build Server. However, I would like to use it with VS 2010 solutions targeting both .NET 3.5 and 4.0. Will this work and what should I watch out for? ...

TFS 2010 build config transform problem

Hi all, I'm facing quite a problem while setting up automated TFS Builds. Basically I created new configuration called Tests, added transform config, defined different connection strings for the Database. Then defined TFS build, building whole solution with MSBuild arguments /p:DeployOnBuild=True /p:Configuration=Tests. The problem is ...

TFS 2010 Beta 2 - get source code for a deleted build?

Here's my problem: In order to save space on our build server, I set up a build retention policy to keep the latest build only, thinking that this will only delete the files in the drop location. Now I need to go back to a deleted build to include a bug fix and provide a patch. That's when I started to wonder where all our labels went......

Auto-Deploy SSRS reports with TFS

Hi, Can anyone explain how to create a custom build to deploy reporting services reports with TFS? Is it possible? If so then how... Samples or articles will be greatly appreciated. Thanks ...

xcopy failing within TFSbuild

I am using TFS2008 and within my TFSBuild.proj file I have a target that call xcopy to copy the build to the production website location for automation. However I am receiving the following error when running the build: Task "Exec" Command: xcopy "\\test\TFSBuilds\Online System V2 Build to NETPUB_20100430.2\Debug\_PublishedWebsites\IPA...

How do I put files in the TFS Build drop location

Hi, I'm new to using TFS build. I've got a build defined that runs as a continuous integration. It creates a drop folder, but there's nothing in it. What's the best practice for moving stuff in the drop folder? I've seen a Binaries folder, do I need to copy things into their, or do I alter the TFSbuild.proj in some way to copy the file...

Problems referencing build output from TFS Build and Visual Studio

Here's what I'm trying to do: I have two solutions - one for my main application and its associated projects and another for my database (VS .dbproj) and its associated projects. What I'd like to do is include the output from the database project (a .dbschema and some SQL scripts) in my WiX installer (which exists in the main application...

TFS 2008: How do I setup a Build Server

Can someone point me to documentation on setting up a TFS 2008 build server? ...

TFS 2010: How to deploy a windows service as a part of a build?

Hi Guys, We need to be able to deploy a couple of windows services to the remote machine as a part of a build. This is a nightly build which deploys the whole application to the TEST environment so it has to be automated somehow. For the Web project MSDeploy can be used, as well as for the DB servers. But what about windows services? T...

TFS Build 2008 - Why is everything getting dumped in one folder?

When I build my solution, it dumps all the binaries into one folder. How can I cause it to split up the files by project like Visual Studio does? ...

Change server location for Automate Build in TFS

Hi, I am using TFS 2008. my TFS is installed on one server and I want to copy builds of automate builds on another server. Please let me know the steps to set build on other server. Thanks, Mahak ...

Where are mstest data-driven unit test results stored in tfs warehouse?

Can anyone tell me if/where mstest data-driven test results (specifically the error messages) are stored in the tfs warehouse? In DimTestResult column error messages are populated for non-datadriven tests.... ...

Share code between projects in tfs 2010

Hi What is the best way to handle code sharing in TFS 2010? We have a couple of Visual studio projects that other Visual Studio projects use. ex: Shared Project Project 1 Solution -Shared Project -Project 1 Project Project 2 Solution -Shared Project -Project 2 Project Also we have Third party code for example: Third Party -Tele...

Team Foundation Build 2010 - Check-in changed file during the build process

In my build workflow I change the assembly version information in AssemblyInfo.cs for some class libraries. How can I check-in my changes at the end of the build process? From what I see there is no such activity. ...

tfs Run multiple test during daily build in tfsbuild.proj

I have one build definition (TFS 2008), with two solutions in it: TFSBuild.proj: <SolutionToBuild Include="$(BuildProjectFolderPath)/../../ProdigyUtils/Development/ProdigyUtils.sln"> <Targets></Targets> <Properties></Properties> </SolutionToBuild> <SolutionToBuild Include="$(BuildProjectFolderPath)/../../ProdigyUtils/Release 01...

Cannot start TFS Build service: Error 1227

When I try to start the TFS 2008 Build service on the port 9191 I get the following error message: Windows could not start the Visual Studio Team Foundation Build service on Local Computer. Error 1227: The network transport endpoint already has an address associated with it. If I use another port it works, but I need i...

Problems with Continuous Integration (CI) in TFS during Build Automation?

Hi all, I am using TFS 2008 and Visual Studio and my boss has instructed me to implement Build Automation for Development and Release builds for a web Project. I am a total newbie in Build Automation. There are multiple developers working on the project on different machines using Visual Studio 2008 team System. Source is already be...