
Finding out position of a control inside TGridPanel

How I can find out the position (row and column index) of controls inside TGridPanel? I'd like to use common OnClick event for number of buttons and need to know the X,Y position of the button. I'm using Delphi 2007. ...

how to attach headerclick event for Ext.grid.GridPanel in extjs?

Can you tell me how to attach headerclick or headerdblclick event to Ext.grid.GridPanel? ...

Delphi How to use TGridPanel

Hello, I want to use Delphi's 2009 TGridPanel, but I don't understand how to use it correctly. For example, I want to have a GridPanel with 4 columns which should have each 25% percent of the GripPanels width. So I put a GripPanel on the form and add 4 ColumnItems. I give the column items SizeStyle ssPercent, and now I try to give eac...