The following table :
EmpId State Zip
1 FL 342008
2 CA 342001
is not in 3rd normal form because
State is dependent on the primary
key(EmpId) transitively.
So, if I break it like this :
(EmpId,State) (State,PIN)
it's in 3NF.
I could also break it like :
(EmpId,State) (EmpId,PIN)
and it will again be in 3NF.
Given that state information is implicit in the zip code aren't storing both of them some violaiton of third normal form? Can or should you simply combine them into one field?
I'm storing data on baseball statistics and would like to do so with three tables: players, battingStats, and pitchingStats. For the purpose of the question, each player will have batting stats or pitching stats, but not both.
How would I normalize such a relationship in 3NF?