
Deadlock in ThreadPool

I couldn't find a decent ThreadPool implementation for Ruby, so I wrote mine (based partly on code from here: , but changed to wait/signal and other implementation for ThreadPool shutdown. However after some time of running (having 100 threads and handling about 1300 tasks), it dies with deadlock...

When ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem returns false

The MSDN states that the method returns true if the method is successfully queued; NotSupportedException is thrown if the work item is not queued. For testing purposes how to get the method to return false? Or it is just a "suboptimal" class design? ...

[.NET] Use asynchronous delegates or ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem for massive parallelism?

I have a .NET application that processes around 300,000 records in a batch import, and it takes a few seconds per record so I would like to parallelize this. In the following code, what's the difference between ProcessWithAnsycDelegates() and ProcessWithThreadPool()? public class ResultNotification { public EventHandler event Success; ...

Thread vs ThreadPool

What is the difference between using a new thread and using a thread from the thread pool? What performance benefits are there and why should I consider using a thread from the pool rather than one I've explicitly created? I'm thinking specifically of .NET here, but general examples are fine. ...

using system.thread.threadpool in powershell

Hi all, I am after a example of some code in powershell using the threadpool. my friends at google can not help me. Any example would be great. Donald ...

ThreadPool causing GUI to freeze (?)

I'm noticing that, if the ThreadPool max thread count for my IO-intensive app is set too low (16), then my GUI will freeze. But if I set it considerable higher (250), it works just fine. Can anyone explain this phenomenon? ...

backgroundrb thread_pool.defer method logger output goes to where?

It seems like due to the threading issue logger.warn (thats what I tested) doesn't generate any output? my code is similar to this: def deliver(args) "delivery start" thread_pool.defer(:deliver_deferred, args) "delivery end" end def deliver_deferred(args) logger.warn "whatsoever" end Any idea? ...

Generic ThreadPool in .NET

Here's a relatively common task for me, and, I think, for many a .NET programmer: I want to use the .NET ThreadPool for scheduling worker threads that need to process a given type of tasks. As a refresher, the signatures for the queueing method of the ThreadPool and its associated delegate are: public static bool QueueUserWorkItem ( ...

Can a java fixedThreadPool be used by multiple threads

I have a webservice that does multiple small calculations before returning the result. I want to use the ExecutorService provided by Executors.newFixedThreadPool() as a way to implement the Master - Worker pattern (ie. call invokeAll and let the thread wait for all results to finish). Ideally all webservice threads use the same executor ...

Using Parallel.For to test SQL queries and comparison with the ThreadPool

I'm looking for a way to easily load test and benchmark some of our SQL (using ADO.NET, nothing fancy using LINQ or PLINQ) that has to be performant when running under high parallel load. I've thought of using the new parallel extensions CTP and specifically Parallel.For / Parallel.ForEach to simply run the SQL over 10k iterations or so...

be notified when all background threadpool threads are finished

Hello, comrades. I have a scenario when I start 3..10 threads with ThreadPool. Each thread does its job and returns to the ThreadPool. What are possible options to be notified in main thread when all background threads have finished? Currently I'm using a homegrown method with incrementing a variable for each of created threads and dec...

Is it possible for two ExecutorServices to share a thread pool?

I've got a collection of records to process, and the processing can be parallelized, so I've created an ExecutorService (via Executors#newCachedThreadPool())). The processing of an individual record is, itself, composed of parallelizable steps, so I'd like to use another ExecutorService. Is there an easy way to make this new one use the ...

IOCP in custom thread pool

I'm currently searching the internet for a custom thread pool implementation. I found an implementation which uses IOCP's. I'm wondering what the benefit is, of using them? Do they provide work stealing, or something like that, I could really find an answer... ...

ThreadPool and GUI wait question

I am new to threads and in need of help. I have a data entry app that takes an exorbitant amount of time to insert a new record(i.e 50-75 seconds). So my solution was to send an insert statement out via a ThreadPool and allow the user to begin entering the data for the record while that insert which returns a new record ID while that i...

Weird problem when using ThreadPools to search through object lists

I have these container objects (let's call them Container) in a list. Each of these Container objects in turn has a DataItem (or a derivate) in a list. In a typical scenario a user will have 15-20 Container objects with 1000-5000 DataItems each. Then there are some DataMatcher objects that can be used for different types of searches. The...

Detecting that a ThreadPool WorkItem has completed/waiting for completion

For whatever reason, ThreadPool's QueueWorkItem doesn't return an IAsyncResult or some other handle to the work item, which would allow to wait until it's completed. There are RegisterWait... methods, but you have to pass a WaitHandle and creating them is expensive (see IAsyncResult documentation, which advises you to delay creating a Wa...

Code for a simple thread pool in C#

Looking for some sample code (C#) for a simple thread pool implementation. I found one on codeproject, but the codebase was just huge and I don't need all that functionality. This is more for educational purposes anyways. ...

.NET ThreadPool clarification - Available vs idle threads

Hi, I'm a little confused about one aspect of the .NET ThreadPool: namely, how you can tell how many of its 'Available' threads are idle ones waiting to be reused, and how many haven't yet been created. The summary for the GetAvailableThreads() method states that it: Retrieves the difference between the maximum number of thread p...

How to call a method async with some kind of priority?

I need to call a couple of methods asynchronously with different priorities. My first idea was to use the ThreadPool and change the priority of the Thread like this: static void Run() { ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(SomeMethod)); } static void SomeMethod(object o) { Thread.CurrentThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.Be...

Multithreaded job queue manager

I need to manage CPU-heavy multitaskable jobs in an interactive application. Just as background, my specific application is an engineering design interface. As a user tweaks different parameters and options to a model, multiple simulations are run in the background and results displayed as they complete, likely even as the user is still...