
What time format is this? (not UNIX, not UTC, nothing)

I'm importing data from another system to MySQL, its a CSV file. The "Date" field however contains cryptic of 3-digit time entries, here's a random sample set: > 540 > 780 > 620 > 965 What's this? obviously its not 5:40 and 6:20. But it's not UNIX either (I tried 1225295**XXX** before I realized the time range this represents is about...

How do I format an amount of milliseconds into minutes:seconds:milliseconds in PHP?

I have a total ammount of milliseconds (ie 70370) and I want to display it as minutes:seconds:milliseconds ie 00:00:0000. How can I do this in PHP? ...

Customize the datetime format in Cakephp

When I use the form helper to make a time input,usaually I write code as follows <?php $options = array( 'label' => '', 'type' => 'datetime', 'timeFormat'=>'24', 'separator'=>'-' ); echo $form->input('Service.endtime',$options); ?> But now I get a problem that I want to make a time input style such as month-day-hour ...

What time format is this and how can I reformat it using JQuery?

What time format is this and how can I reformat it using JQuery? It's from a pubdate from an podcast XML. Mon, 26 Jul 2010 19:15:58 -0700 Is there a precise name for this date format? I haven't seen this exact one anywhere and it's baffling me a bit. I've tried the plugin listed below but it doesn't work correctly or take this date ...

C# Time Formatting. Localization to French how do I get the output "5h 45" for 5:45?

I'm attempting to format dates for a French customer. I need to format Times as shown in the following examples... 06:00 -> 6 h 08:45 -> 8 h 45 10:30 -> 10 h 30 15:00 -> 15 h 17:22 -> 17 h 22 18:00 -> 18 h I've been able to use Custom Date and Time Formatting. But I seem to be stuck on this notation that the French (Canad...