
How to customize a TimePickerDialog?

I'm looking to create something EXACTLY like TimePickerDialog (look and feel) in Android, but it would be for MINUTES/SECONDS, not HOURS/MINUTES. Therefore AM/PM would not be relevant and would therefore allow MINUTE to be greater than 24 (making the max 59). Is it possible to change the TimePickerDialog instance in any way to reflect t...

Disable dates in Jquery datepicker

I am using a jquery datepicker and timepicker. In datepicker I want to disable the all dates which are past to the current date. And in timepicker I want to show the times which is one hour prior to the current time.Can anyone tell me how to do this? ...

Time picker problem with OS4?

I have an app which I am updating to OS4. In this I use a time picker. From this I want to get an hour and minute as an integar. This is the code I used previously for this... NSDate *selected = [timePicker date]; NSCalendar *gregorian = [[NSCalendar alloc] initWithCalendarIdentifier:NSGregorianCalendar]; unsigned unitFlags = NSYearCal...

jQuery UI datepicker (with time addon) issues

Hi all, I'm trying to implement the jQuery UI Date Picker with the Time Picker addon (http://trentrichardson.com/examples/timepicker/) For some reason, I'm getting NaN instead of numbers and the little slider isn't showing up. I downloaded Redmound theme from the UI, so that might have something to do with it? But I've also copied the ...

Android: How to get the time from a TimePicker when it is typed in

I've got a DialogPreference which implements a simple TimePicker.OnTimeChangedListener (see below). Setting the time by clicking the +/- buttons works great. But I don't know how to save the state of the timepicker when the user typed in the time directly into the textfield. It could be sufficient to access to the current textfield value...