
Are there any JSON (or YAML) based "time sheet" or "work log" related formats for recording time spent on tasks?

I just need a simple JSON or YAML (or other) text based format for recording the time I spend on tasks. I prefer to do as much work as possible in my text editor (e text editor) so it is more natural to me to stay in the editor and not switch back and forth to programs like Excel (plus this way I retain portable and "open" data). The ...

To charge or not to charge?

At our company we charge by the hour, which is actually broken down into 6 min chunks. At the end of the day you end up recording 8 HRS, 8.1 HRS (i.e., 8 HRS 6 min), etc. to a task, where the task is allocated a certain number of HRS. In our group we typically develop analytical code for a customer, and then perform some analysis. ...

eConnect timesheet entry multicurrency issue

Hello, I'm trying to use econnect to insert TimeSheet Entry batches from an external system via "taPATimeSheetLineInsert". When using the fuctionnal currency everything works fine. The problem is that when I use another currency, the ACCRUED REVENUES are set to 0. I tried to enter the same entry manually in GP and the accrued revenu...

Open source planning and timesheet application

I'm looking for a good open source planning and timesheet tool. The application needs to be web based, supports multiple project/task planning and tracking, integrates time registration and resource allocation, and needs to be able to import user/customer information from external sources. Any recommendations? ...

How to show a full year starting from January with jQuery UI datepicker?

I want a calendar that shows the whole year starting from Jan-Dec regardless of what month today is. At the moment, this will show the date from July 2010 to June 2011. jQuery('.calendar').datepicker({ numberOfMonths: [3, 4], stepMonths: 12 }); When I added showCurrentAtPos: <? echo date('n')-1 ?>, it seems to place the curren...

Calculating wage by hours worked

Hey all, i am trying to figure out how to calculate the wage for an employee when they clock out. This is the code i am currently using: Dim theStartTime As Date Dim theEndTime As Date Dim totalTime As String theStartTime = "16:11:06" theEndTime = "18:22:01" totalTime = Format(CDbl((theEndTime - theStartTime) * 24), "#0.0") So ...

Capturing Employee Time using a collection

I want to create a timesheet application where I need an application that will collect data from the logged in user regarding the number of hours they worked on a specific date. The user will be required to log into an application which will capture their credentials and employee ID. Users will be presented with a form that will list ...

PHP Question - Safe mode error when setting timezone

I'm trying to install a PHP application on my server. But I'm getting this error: Warning: putenv() [function.putenv]: Safe Mode warning: Cannot set environment variable 'PHP_TZ' - it's not in the allowed list in .../public/timezone.inc on line 14 I've located the offending file and section of code (below). How would I fi...