
Tkinter Cxfreeze Error

I'm trying to make an exe in Windows out of python I developed in Linux. The program works on it's own in python under Windows, and when I use cxfreeze it completes and makes the exe. However when I run it I get: C:\projects\0802001S\dist>listen.exe Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Python26\lib\site-packages\cx_Freeze\ini...

Tkinter or wxpython

Hey guys I want a simple gui for one of may apps and am a noob when it comes gui itself. Tkinter and wxpython are the two standards in python i see.. Which one is simpler and more intuitive? ...

getting keyboard back from tkinter

I'm working on a graphical app, and at the start of the run I'd like to ask the user a single configuration question. The graphical framework (Panda3D) has ugly default dialog boxes, so I'd like to use something like tkInter to provide a modal dialog. I tried this: import Tkinter import tkMessageBox root = Tkinter.Tk() # hide the root ...

Understanding what files in the TCL are required for distributing frozen Python Tkinter apps

I'm trying to figure out which files in Python's (Python 2.6/Python 2.7) tcl folder are required in order to distribute frozen Python Tkinter apps using Py2exe or similar. The quick and dirty way to do this (using pyexe as an example) is to follow the 2nd example on the following page and then xcopy your python's tcl folder to your dis...

How can I implement a color table with VTK / TK in python

hi, I'm developing an application in VTK / TK and I was wondering what's the best way to provide the user with a table which lists items and allow the user to pick the color for each item: item1 | color item2 | color item3 | color thanks ...

How to load .bmp file into BitmapImage class Tkinter python

I'm unable to find any way to load .bmp file into Tkinter() so that I can use it in a canvas widget!Plz help me! from Tkinter import * from PIL import Image import ImageTk import tkFileDialog import tkMessageBox root=Tk() class lapp: def __init__(self,master): w=Canvas(root,width=300,height=300) w.pack() p=Image.ope...

TKinter: I cannot see my left frame with a button inside

I cannot see my left frame with a button inside (I'm using TKinter).. This is my code: #create window & frames root = Tk() root.title( "Medical Visualization" ) rootFrame = Frame(root) rootFrame.pack( fill=BOTH, expand=1, side=TOP ) leftframe = Frame(root, width=100, bg="blue") leftframe.pack(fill=X, expand=True) button = Button(left...

TKinter: how to create a histogram ?

How can I create a histogram with TKinter and python ? ...

TKinter: a slider widget ?

Is there a slider widget in TKinter libraries ? I need a slider to set a specific value ...

Making Menu options with checkbutton in Tkinter (python

I am making a Menu using Tkinter but i wanted to put "add_checkbutton" instead of "add_command"into the menu options but problem is "How i deselect/select a checkbox." menu = Menu(parent) parent.config(menu=menu) viewMenu = Menu(menu) menu.add_cascade(label="View", menu=viewMenu) viewMenu.add_command(label = "Show All", command=self....

TKInter: how to display the components and the widgets ?

hi, I'm new to TKinter and I was wondering if I can display a sequence of widgets on the same row instead of placing them one below the other one in a column. I'm currently using frames to place my components, however if I have several widgets (buttons) in a frame, I would prefer to directly place the button as I want instead of creati...

How to pause Python while Tkinter window is open?

I'm writing a program that sometimes encounters an error. When it does, it pops up a Tkinter dialog asking the user whether to continue. It's a more complicated version of this: keep_going = False KeepGoingPrompt(keep_going) if not keep_going: return The prompt sets keep_going to True or leaves it False. Problem is, the code seems ...

Problems with Tkinter in py2exe

I made a a simple GUI program in python with tkinter and attempted to convert it to an .exe using py2exe. However, I've run into a problem. When I try to run the exe it flashes an error very quickly then disapears. So the best I could do was take a screan shot of the error. How do I go about fixing this? Edit Velociraptors, this is...

First Python Tkinter window works, but the rest are blank.

I think I'm missing something basic about Tkinter. What would be the correct way to create several windows with the same hidden root window? I can get one window to open, but once it's closed subsequent ones show up blank, without any widgets in them. I've also noticed if I leave the root window visible, it disappears when I close the f...

Eclipse PyDev now shows all references to Tkinter as errors

I've been using Eclipse with PyDev (on Windows, mind you) for my Python Tkinter project for about a month now, and up until recently I've had no complaints. I start the source for one module (my GUI) like so: from Tkinter import * Now, ever since I updated Eclipse to 3.6.1, it shows an error for every call to the Tkinter module(Frame(...

python calculate the screen size

hello there i wanted to know if it was possible to calculate the screen size of the user via python this way i can make the program open up in the center of the screen because my tkinter window resize needs to know what coordinates (x and Y) to start the window on Thanks a lot ...

Python save as/open

hello there i am making a text editor in Tkinter (python) and so i made a menu and wanted to know how i can call a function that will display the windows Save-as or open boxes that every program uses. For example in notepad you can click file-save and then it opens the windows save box. I already have the menu but how can i open the sav...

How to find out the current widget size in tkinter?

I'm using Python and Tkinter, and I need to know the current dimensions (width, height) of a widget. I've tried somewidget["width"], but it returns only a fixed value, and is not updated whenever the widget size changes (e.g. when the window is resized). ...

How to scroll a tkinter canvas to an absolute position?

I'm using Python and tkinter. I have a Canvas widget that will display just one image. Most times the image will be larger than the canvas dimensions, but sometimes it will be smaller. Let's just focus on the first case (image larger than canvas). I want to scroll the canvas to an absolute position that I have already calculated (in pix...

TkInter: how can I pass a numeric value to specify the color ?

hi, how can I assign a numeric value instead of a string to specify the color of my button ? What the exact syntax ? button = tk.Button(itemFrame, text="", bg="red", width=10, command=callback) i.e bg = #FF0000 thanks ...