Hello again! I'm back with another question concerning threads and synchronization. Imagine a server application that has to perform a lengthy operation and the client wants his GUI to remain responsive while he waits for the server's response. I thought of the following pattern:
TMonitor.Enter (FTCPClient);
WorkerThread := TWorke...
I'm currently working on porting an existing Delphi 5 application to Delphi 2010.
It's a multithreaded DLL (where the threads are spawned by Outlook) that loads into Outlook. When compiled through Delphi 2010, whenever I close a form I run into an "invalid pointer operation" inside TMonitor.Destroy... the one in system.pas, that is.
After reading the articles "Simmering Unicode, bring DPL to a boil" and "Simmering Unicode, bring DPL to a boil (Part 2)" of "The Oracle at Delphi" (Allen Bauer), Oracle is all I understand :)
The article mentions Delphi Parallel Library (DPL), lock free data structures, mutual exclusion locks and condition variables (this Wikipedia art...