
Issued Token Authentication over HTTP

Is it possible to do Issued Token authentication over HTTP? The scenario that we are faced with is an HTTPS request from client to server. Authentication is performed here and a token is issued. We are now however faced with the need to route this request to one of multiple endpoints using a generic message passing implementation. The p...

oAuth, one client one token? or one client multiple tokens?

This question is with regards to oAuth. Does "resource owner" grant one token to a "client" with all the necessary access? or can the "resource owner" grant multiple tokens to the "clients" each with some access? The difference being upgrade the token's access? or just create another token with the added access? ...

Java: use scanner delimiter as token

Hi, I'm trying to find a good way to get a Scanner to use a given delimiter as a token. For example, I'd like to split up a piece of text into digit and non-digit chunks, so ideally I'd just set the delimiter to \D and set some flag like useDelimiterAsToken, but after briefly looking through the API I'm not coming up with anything. Right...

Why must we "change temporary credentials for token credentials" in OAuth?

Can't the server just "upgrade" the temporary credentials to token credentials and retain the same key and secret? The client can then start doing authenticated calls right away after the recieving the callback from the server stating that the temporary credentials has been "upgraded". Of cause if the temporary credentials have not be ...

How create an unique 20 single byte token/key/ID on php?

I need to create a token/key to use it as a number order, so this should be unique, the tokens must be something like "6X990742MG185953R" so we can use it like a barcode, e. We can't use UUID or GUID because is to long, the much closer we are is this: function uuid64() { $uuid ...

What one-time-password devices are compatible with mod_authn_otp?

mod_authn_otp is an Apache web server module for two-factor authentication using one-time passwords (OTP) generated via the HOTP/OATH algorithm defined in RFC 4226. The developer's has listed only one compatible device (the Authenex's A-Key 3600) on their website. If a device is fully compliant with the standard, and it allows you to r...

get invalid.token result at the first time run action.

I use struts 2.1.8, I use <s:token> between <s:form> and </s:form> in my struts.xml like that ............ <package name="user" namespace="/user" extends="struts-default"> <action name="login"class="user.UserAction"> <result type="tiles">login.view</result> <interceptor-ref name="token"/> <interceptor-ref name="basic...

plz help me debug ( [OgnlValueStack] Error setting expression '' with value )

I use <s:token> in my struts2.1.8 project, but I get log....., plz help me to solve, thanks in advance. 2010-03-13 09:26:06,224 INFO [STDOUT] (http- 09:26:06,223 WARN [OgnlValueStack] Error setting expression '' with value '[Ljava.lang.String;@5cfe5cfe' ognl.OgnlException: source is null for getP...

device token expiry

The device token that got from APNS is send to the provider. I have two questions on this device token : 1) Whether device token has the expiry time 2) Whether I will get the same device token for each time I call registerForRemoteNotificationTypes in the application launch? We are planning to go for 1:1 mapping between logged in use...

ANTLR - accessing token values in c/c++

I am trying to parse integers and to access their value in antlr 3.2. I already found out how to do this in Java: //token definition INT : '0'..'9'+; //rule to access token value: start : val=INT {Integer x = Integer.valueOf( $val.text ).intValue(); } ; ... but I couldn't find a solution for this in C/C++. Does someone...

ANTLR grammar: parser- and lexer literals

What's the difference between this grammar: ... if_statement : 'if' condition 'then' statement 'else' statement 'end_if'; ... and this: ... if_statement : IF condition THEN statement ELSE statement END_IF; ... IF : 'if'; THEN: 'then'; ELSE: 'else'; END_IF: 'end_if'; .... ? If there is any difference, as this impacts on performa...

JSF view id as request tokens

I read somewhere the view ids used by JSF framework have a happy side effect of acting as request tokens and thus foiling CSRF. Can someone please tell me if this means I dont have to do anything from a programming point of view (ie). As a programmer, if I use JSF I dont have to worry about CSRF? ...

Lexer antlr3 token problem

Can I construct a token ENDPLUS: '+' (options (greedy = false;):.) * '+' ; being considered by the lexer only if it is preceded by a token PREwithout including in ENDPLUS? PRE: '<<' ; Thanks. ...

problem string recursion antlr lexer token

How do I build a token in lexer that can handle recursion inside as this string: ${*anythink*${*anything*}*anythink*} ? thanks ...

what causes a bad token on iPhone- NSLog(@"token:%@",[devToken description]); crashes

I am getting a bad token passed to me in - (void)application:(UIApplication *)app didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken:(NSData *)devToken this code crashes on my iPhone but not my clients. - (void)application:(UIApplication *)app didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken:(NSData *)devToken { NSLog(@"token:%@",[dev...

How to get "AuthSub " token in C#? For google APPS Contacts ?

Hi, I fount this code on net : HttpWebRequest update = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(**editUrl** ); // editUrl is a string containing the contact's edit URL update.Method = "PUT"; update.ContentType = "application/atom+xml"; update.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.Authorization, "GoogleLogin auth=" + **AuthToken**); updat...

How can I determine what text on a webpage will render the largest?

I'd like to write a function (ideally in PHP) where I can input a url and return a string corresponding to the hypertext from that webpage which would render the largest in a browser (any standard browser is fine). Getting the webpage and tokenizing things with DOM is pretty straightforward, but what's the best way to calculate ultimate...

WCF how to pass token for authentication?

I have a WCF service which would like to support basicHttpBinding and webHttpBinding. When the client successfully login, server will generate a token for client to pass to server on all the request make later. Question is how the client can pass the token to server? I don't want to add an extra parameter on every web method to hold the ...

Performance of tokenizing CSS in PHP

This is a noob question from someone who hasn't written a parser/lexer ever before. I'm writing a tokenizer/parser for CSS in PHP (please don't repeat with 'OMG, why in PHP?'). The syntax is written down by the W3C neatly here (CSS2.1) and here (CSS3, draft). It's a list of 21 possible tokens, that all (but two) cannot be represented a...

Why does my token return NULL and how can I fix it?(c++)

I've created a program to get a string input from a user and parse it into tokens and move a robot according to the input. The program is supposed to recognize these inputs(where x is an integer): "forward x" "back x" "turn left x" "turn right x" and "stop". The program does what it's supposed to for all commands except for "stop". When ...