
Need a scrollable tomahawk table with fixed header

I have used t:commanSortHeader in my table and i need that table to have a fixed header and that table should be scrollable. suggest me a solution ...

JSF (and friends) tags vs. traditional html tags

So this question came up today and I didn't have a specific or scientific answer. What are the costs associated with using jsf (or tomahawk, faclets, etc., etc.) tags in place of traditional html tags. My gut reaction is that you should use jsf tags in situations where you need the additional functionality they provide, and use traditi...

JSF 2.0 and MyFaces Tomahawk

I have been investigating a JSF upgrade on our existing web apps that are using JSF 1.2 & tomahawk 1.1.9 & no facelets , to use JSF 2.0 & tomahawk 1.1.9 This is my findings sofar : All the tomahawk components worked except for t:dataTable used with a t:dataScroller – BUT ONLY IF preserveDataModel="true" on t:dataTable. The workaround ...

Empty t:dataTable might be rendering invalid HTML?

I use Tomahawk 1.1.8 and I'm trying to build/render a dataTable even if it's empty. (rendered="true" as requirement) Considering our Bean provides an empty list (no rows to be displayed by t:dataTable). Why does Tomahawks' t:dataTable just render following "invalid" HTML even if we have a header providing more than one column: <tbody><...

Code picks up value from selectOneMenu and selectBooleanCheckbox, even though it is not rendered

I've got code the following code in my .xhtml <t:panelGroup rendered="false"> <t:selectOneMenu id="id" value="#{row.someValue}" displayValueOnly="#{form.readState}"> <f:selectItems value="#{row.listOfValues}"/> </t:selectOneMenu> </t:panelGroup> The listOfValues is set in a form populator, and is thus present in the form o...

problem on representing label of component in validation message in jsf

hi i am working on multilingual web application and i want to show label of components in validation message instead of client-id <h:outputLabel styleClass="default largest" value="#{text['']}" id="testLabel" for="testInput"/> <t:inputText id="testInput" forceId="true" label="#{text['']}" value="#{test}" autocomplete=...

t:commandSortHeader not being styled

I've got the following JSF: <t:column styleClass="cb-status-column"> <f:facet name="header"> <t:commandSortHeader columnName="externalStatus" styleClass="cb-status-column"> Status </t:commandSortHeader> </f:facet> <h:outputText value="#{tx.externalStatus}" title="#{tx.externalStatus}"/> </t:colum...

Error with JSF a4j + tomahawk + myfaces: Resources framework is not initialised, check web.xml for Filter configuration

I am trying to use <a4j:commandLink> in my JSP and I get the following error that I don't understand at all: Exception while calling encodeBegin on component : { Component-Path : [Class: org.ajax4jsf.framework.ajax.AjaxViewRoot,ViewId: /pages/clienteAM.jsp] [Class: javax.faces.component.html.HtmlForm,Id: clientesForm] [Class: jav...

Tomahawk tree2 component spacing

Is there any way to change left-margins for the nodes? Tree2 renders those margins with columns such as: <td height="100%" width="19" style=""><img height="18" border="0" width="19" src="/vwwinner/faces/myFacesExtensionResource/org.apache.myfaces.renderkit.html.util.MyFacesResourceLoader/12806587/tree2.HtmlTreeRenderer/images/spacer.gif...

MyFaces Tomahawk JSCookMenu - failure to navigate to page defined by action in faces-config

This is my first attempt at using JSCookMenu and its homepage ( has been down for more than a week, so forgive me if the answer to my question should appear on there. I have a simple web app, stripped down in order to test JSCookMenu's action forwarding to a new JSF page. I have an admin page with...

jsf form not executing action because comboboxes

Hello, executing this form the action is not executed, but if I comment the combo boxes the action is executed without any problem, so I assume my spring webflow is ok. The combo boxes are populated with the correct data without any problem so I suppose the problem is in the jsf template. Code: <%@ include file="/jsp/taglibs.jsp"%> <...

<t:selectOneRadio link to backbean problem

I have used Tomahawk <t:selectOneRadio> in my jsf page. I have reserved one boolean value for each radio button in my back bean, but I have a problem with linking the component to the backing bean. How must I link the component to the backing bean? Is my data model in backing bean wrong? This is my code: <t:radio index="0" for="select...

JSF 1.1 and tomahawk 1.1.1 inputCalendar, is myfaces-*.jar needed?

I should use JSF 1.1 Mojarra implemetnation in job project. But I need a popUp calendar widget. I've tried many different frameworks and stopped on tomahawk. I've setupped filter for tomahawk javasripts in web.xml but still have problems. Should I necessary replace jsf-impl.jar and jsf-api.jar with myfaces-impl.jar and myfaces-api.jar...

Keeping current JSF pagination state when going to another page and coming back to the page that contains the paginator

Hi. I'm using the Tomahawk t:dataScroller for pagination. It is working really well. There is only one issue that I'll try to explain: Page A contains the t:dataTable, which is paginated with the t:dataScroller. There are links in the dataTable that can redirect me to another page, say page B. When I go back from B to A, the state of t...

tomahawk dataScroller don't show numbers pages

tomahawk dataScroller show only: |< << < > >> >| and not divides table on pages, shows all together below part of jsp page: <t:dataTable id="resultTable" value="#{customerSearchResults}" var="customerInfo" > <h:column> <f:facet name="header"> <h:outputText value="Account #" /> <...

Jsf form action

Hi! I have simple JSF form: <html xmlns="" xmlns:ui="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:h="" xmlns:f=""&gt; <ui:composition template="layout.jsp"> <ui:define name="title">Редактирование шаблона<...

JSF - How to determine the current JSP page from inside backing bean action method

I have a JSF application containing two JSP pages that both display some of the same data from a session-scoped container object. Each page displays the data differently, each in a data table that varies between pages. This all works properly so far. My problem is that I have been cheating a bit with how I figure out what page was req...

tomahawk jar not getting loaded weblogic portal 10.3

Hi, All I have made a jsf 1.1 portlet in weblogic 10.3, but in one scenario I need tomahawk library help. I just dropped the jar file and supporting ones in lib folder in WEB-INF in my portal application, but when I hit the url it gives me error of NoClassdef..... exception for classes in tomahawk jar and jsp compilation fails. I am ne...