
How to prevent hotlinking on standalone Java webapp server?

How do you prevent hotlinking on a standalone Java webapp server like Tomcat? ...

Deploy web app on a server but pointing to many database schemas

I have a web service app that has an xml file with Oracle connection properties i.e. DEVFOOBAR schema. I will create a war file of this and deploy to Tomcat on our test server - however we only have this one server but we want the ability to test the webservice against a few different schemas e.g. DEVFOOBAR TESTFOOBAR UATFOOBAR LIVE...

Beginning Java Web services. Where to start

Hi guys, my company runs a site that primarily has its backend logic coded in Perl. It works fine but ultimately we are headed to something Java driven. I do plan on studying this and would like to start setting up a Java environment on another server in our company so when the time comes I at least have a headstart. Does anyone have a r...

Tomcat - Set working directory when not running as a service

I'm trying to get my web app to recognize my working directory. When running as a windows service, I can set --StartPath=C:\Path\To\Directory\ and using that I can access files starting from that directory. ie - Folder\Folder2\file.txt can be opened and recognized as being C:\Path\To\Directory\Folder\Folder2\file.txt I thought ...

tomcat:access to outsider html page

Hello, I have html reports saved to disk, I want to display these files in my Jsf application deployed under tomcat 6. Is it possible to configure Tomcat to include these files with the context of my web application ...

NetBeans/Tomcat deployment problem

When I tried to run my project in NetBeans 6.9, I got this error: Starting Tomcat process... Waiting for Tomcat... Tomcat server started. Incrementally deploying localhost:8084/hastaneBilgiSistemi Completed incremental distribution of localhost:8084/hastaneBilgiSistemi Incrementally redeploying localhost:8084...

tomcat is not taking my jar file in my webapps/myapp/WEB-INF/lib folder.

How do I make my tomcat to load jar files from my webapplication's WEB-INF/lib folder ? ...

OpemMQ Configuration, Fatory creation and session handling in Tomcat+Atomikos

Hi, I'm currently using OpenMQ in my app and I need to support distributed transactions. I'm trying to understand what I need to change in the configuration (and where) and how will switching to a JTA change the way I'm currently obtaining my ConnectionFactory and handling my javax.jms.Connection. A quick code example of my usage is (...

JAVA servlets - open message popup

I want to user HttpServletResponse object to compose a response that will tell the browser client to open a popup with some message - how can i do that? ...

Is there a possibility to manipulate the raw http-stream from within apache tomcat?

An application which consumes my webservice sends an invalid soap-request, my service can not handle this request. The applications send an wrong tag (misspelled), but they cannot alter this behaviour. So my question: Is there a possibility with a filter or a listner to get the raw http stream, alter something and put it back into the...