
Why does it make a difference where I include the jQuery script file?

On my master page (for all pages in my site) I have a ToolkitScriptManager. On my content page, there are a series of hyperlinks and divs for collapsible functionality. The code to show/hide the panels work like the following: $(document).ready(function() { // Hookup event handlers and execute HTML DOM-related code $('#nameHyperLink...

Syncfusion and AjaxControlToolkit ScriptManager Error

I'm developing a web site using AjaxControlToolkit. To do so, i've to use ToolkitScriptManager that comes with it. It uses some different version of MicrosoftAjax.js. Now i'm trying to use a grid from Syncfusion Essencial Tools, but it doesn't work with the ToolkitScriptManager. The syncfusion lib works with the standard Microsoft's Scr...

AjaxControlToolkit DateTime FormatException

I can't seem to find anything about this error on the Internet. I've checked the AJAX source code and just can't seem to find any hint as to what is causing this to happen. If I clean the browsing cache, restart the server, the first thing I get is this error, when I refresh, the error goes away and the AJAX controls cease to work. If ...