
ToolStripDropDown AutoClose not working correctly in all scenarios

I have the following setup: 1- A ToolStripDropDownButton with a ToolStripDropDown that contains a CustomUserControl that contains a ListView. 2- The ListView has a ContextMenuStrip associated to it. As a solution for this question, my code works like so: (psuedocode) if ListView RightClicked ToolStripDropDown.AutoClose = f...

How to scroll in a fixed-size ToolStripDropDown

I am using a ToolStripDropDown control to implement the dropdown portion of a custom ComboBox-like control. In order to be visually appealing, I am imposing a MaximumSize on the dropdown and manually specifying the width of each ToolStripButton within it - the result is a popup which is the same width as the control that activates it, wi...