
Tornado Request Handler

For some reason i am unable to instantiate the set_cookie outside of the MainHandler.. This is a little code to show what im wanting to do.. Can Anyone help?? import tornado.httpserver import tornado.ioloop import tornado.options import tornado.web from tornado.options import define, options from GenCookie import * class MainHandler(t...

Compare Python Web Frameworks and their respective HTML5 APIs Implementations

If you are familiar with a specific python web framework that has implementations for HTML5 API(s) ie.WebSockets, Forms, WebWorkers, WebStorage, Communication, Geolocation, Canvas, etc. Then please list the name of the framework and its HTML5 capabilities. ...

Python Tornado - Simple Question about handlers

so I have a handler below: class PublishHandler(BaseHandler): def post(self): message = self.get_argument("message") some_function(message) self.write("success") The problem that I'm facing is that some_function() takes some time to execute and I would like the post request to return straight away when cal...

Tornado Session in Redis

Hello, I am writing a lightweight Tornado based comet server. I would like to store the "self" object in redis to maintain the state.. Will this work? For a start, i cant even serialize self to be stored in Redis.. This is the error File "", line 27, in get this = cPickle.dumps(self,1) File "/home/test/lib/pyth...

Multiple authentication options with Tornado

Just started playing with Tornado and want to offer multiple methods of authentication. Currently my app is working fine with Google's hybrid OpenID/oAuth using tornado.auth.GoogleMixin and the unauthenticated users are automatically sent to Google's auth page. If an unauthenticated user wants to use another option (ie. local auth or ...

How can wait for events with Tornado and then pushing them back to user's web-browser trough long-polling?

I want the events to be arbitrary events, for example: "User answered X", "User P sent you a message with Q". ...

Multiple Static Directories in Python Tornado

I have a directory structure setup like: root/ js/ css/ libs/ index.html From Tornado, I want to serve js, css, and libs as static directories, but I can only find out how to serve one of them. Can this be done? ...

Google appengine: tornado vs webapp

I need a light/high performance/low cpu usage web framework use at google appengin, I am not sure which if fit for this between the default webapp framework of GAE and tornado web framework. FYI Well, any way, I have decide to use tornado template instead of the django template on GAE. Tornado is fast, but I don't know is it also fast...

Giving my Python application a web interface to monitor it, using Tornado

I've got a Python application which is daemonized and running on a server 24/7. I'd like to be able to give an incredibly simple web interface so that I can monitor the changing values of a few variables within the program. I'm using Tornado, and I'm up and running with the simple 'Hello, world' that you can find on the Tornado homepag...