
What are some good criteria for using Tracer Bullets?

I was recently reading The Pragmatic Programmer for the first time and I came across the concept of Tracer Bullets. I realized that I had coded according to this model in the past and just kind of filed the way I was working away in my brain as "agile". They only give one example of where they had used it in the past. The way the si...

Tracer bullets vs/and Verticle Slices?

Was reading the pragmatic programmer again, and as I was going over the Tracer Bullets chapter I was wondering ifa tracer bullet is the same or not as a vertical slice (in games). At first thought they seem to be the same but when considering things again it seemed to me that they are actually totally different . A tracer bullet is some...

Tracer Bullets vs Prototypes

Hi, I've started reading The Pragmatic Programmer, which I am enjoying and learning heaps form but I'm having difficulty understanding the difference between tracer bullets and prototypes. Are tracer bullets like having all of the views of an application there but not yet adding the entire functionality? Thanks ...