
jdbc rollback not working

Hi, I'm testing rollback in java using JDBC (with mysql), but the code below is not working. The code is behaving as if I called commit() instead of rollback(). Can somebody tell me where I'm going wrong? Connection conn=null; try { conn = SqlConnectionHandler.getSqlConnection(); conn.setAutoCommit(false); } ...

DAO and Service Layer with hibernate

Hi all, im in trouble with implemenetation of a service layer, i think i did not understand this concept very well. In a DAO implementation i can write all CRUD logic for a specific technology and entity (for example hibernate and User table), and in a service layer we use a DAO for all data operation for the entity in DAO (like getUser...

How to rollback if any update is not success?

I have written a transaction like: BEGIN TRAN UPDATE [Table1] SET [Name] = 'abcd' WHERE [ID] = 1 UPDATE [Table2] SET [Product] = 'efgh' WHERE [ID] = 10 UPDATE [Table3] SET [Customar] = 'ijkl' WHERE [ID] = 11 Now I want to rollback if any UPDATE is not success. For example in Table2 i...

Integration Test which simulates Exceptional / Rollback condition with AbstractTransactionalJUnit4SpringContextTests

I have a JUnit4 test which extends AbstractTransactionalJUnit4SpringContextTests. I have a business object that I've marked as a unit of work with @Transactional. The unit of work updates the database that a user has been notified & then attempts to send them a notification message. I have configured the method to rollback for a MailEx...

Stop transaction in a thread

I use a TransactionScope in a thread to dump data in my SQL Server database. using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope()) { // Dump data in database scope.Complete(); } The transaction is a long transaction (40 secondes) because data are bigs : that's normal. When I do an Abort() to stop the thread during this tran...

What is zombie transaction?

I accidentally found zombie transaction is mentioned in SqlTransaction code. So, what is zombie transaction? ...

Spring+hibernate and @Transactionl annotation, how it works?

Hi guys, what is the difference between use @Transactional over a method and not use it? I write some simple test but seem to be no difference. I want to learn how to manage transaction using spring and annotation. thank all. ...

Transaction rollback on Spring JDBC tests

I'm trying to get JDBC transaction rollback when using Spring-test without success. When I run the following the SQL update is always committed. package my.dao.impl; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.test.annotation.Rollback;...

Help me translate the C++ code to Delphi

im having hardtime in memset and memcpy. can somebody trasnlate this for me, or suggestion on how this thing work? do{ memset(szSpeechBuf, 0x0, sizeof(char)*QSIZE); if((nBufIter+1)*QSIZE > nRawBufLen) { diff = nRawBufLen - (nBufIter)*QSIZE; if(diff < 0) { printf("DetectSpeech() error : timeout!!!"); ...

options for queuing and processing transactions in Microsoft Windows?

I'm working in the microsoft world and needing to create a transaction processing webservice. The webservice will receive a transaction and submit it to a queue. A second service will pull the transactions out of the queue and process them. I have been considering two different approaches: database table (roll my own queue) and micr...