
How to create a transparent control which works when on top of other controls?

I have a control (derived from System.Windows.Forms.Control) which needs to be transparent in some areas. I have implemented this by using SetStyle(): public TransparentControl() { SetStyle(ControlStyles.SupportsTransparentBackColor, true); this.BackColor = Color.Transparent. } Now, this works if there are no controls between...

c#: transparent in tabControl

I'm looking for a way to cause a tabControl (framework 2.0) to be transparent in back ground. I have a custom tabControl that inherite from microsoft tabControl. when I'm trying to paint a transparent image in OnPaintBackground the background becomes black. the problem is that I have under the tabContol a panel with background image so ... trasparent control problem.

Public Class HighlightKey Inherits Control Private m_fillColor As Color = Color.White Private m_opacity As Integer = 100 Private alpha As Integer Private m_image As Image Public Sub New() SetStyle(ControlStyles.SupportsTransparentBackColor, True) SetStyle(ControlStyles.Opaque, True) Me.Ba...

WPF: Ignore mouse clicks on overlay/adorner, but handle MouseEnter event

What I really want is a version of IsHitTestVisible that ignores mouse click events but still traps mouse enter and leave events. Background: An informational overlay pops up under the control with focus whenever. This is a requirement, so I'm not at liberty to remove this behavior. This is implemented using an adorner containing a Rect...