
searching a binary tree

I'm writing an iterative function to search a binary tree for a certain value. This is localized to signed ints until I get into how to genericize classes. Assume that my class is BinarySearchTree, and it has a pointer to the root node of the tree. Also assume that nodes are inserted through an insert function, and have pointers to two...

Any distributed parallel tree search algorithm suggestions?

Hello there, I'm writing a distributed Go/Gomoku bot. Basically the point is to distribute tree search onto many computers. With basic tree search algorithms like DFS this would be very simple, as I could just partition search space into subtrees. Though I'd rather have something more efficient, like mini-max with alpha-beta pruning - ...

Tree search function

Any node can have any number of children. To search this tree i wrote something like this function Search(key, nodes){ for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { if (nodes[i].key == key) { return nodes[i]; } if (nodes[i].hasOwnProperty('children')) { return this.Search(key, nodes[i].c...