
How to create a treeview with radio buttons in the [grand]child nodes?

I am trying to create a treeview that looks something like the following: Parent |__Child1 |__ __ __ O Grandchild1 |__ __ __ O Grandchild2 |__Child2 |__ __ __ O Grandchild3 |__ __ __ O Grandchild4 I am using in Visual Studio 2008. Any insights as to how I can accomplish this will be very much appreciated! ...

object -> treeview -> selected object in my object.

Ok here is my question: f.ex I have data structure something like this: String name - List<String> subNames; - List<String> subSubNames; I can easily populate tree view with the data. But how I should get vise versa stuff on this. for example: I select some subSubName in the treeview, what is the easiest way to get Name,...

How to load an aspx page from silverlight frame?

I have two frames in silver light application one frame contain treeview control. I want that when my user click on treeview node then aspx page is load on next frame. how can i achive it.. ...

save text fields to an Array (and pull data from the Array) when using treeview in c#

Ok, I have a treeview which I am using to display a number of nodes. I wish to attach data (three textbox fields) to each node but I do not want to show it in the tree. I wish to save the data to a string[] Array if possible. I want the data in the boxes to save to the Arrays when I click on a new node in the tree and pull the informatio...

Javascript - Set source file and assigning value to a control

I have a tree view control build dynamically. i want to change color of the selected node .one help me to write the script given below. and its work fine. <script type="text/javascript" src=""&gt;&lt;/script&gt; <script type="text/javascript"> google.load("jquery", "1.4.2"); google.setOnLoadCallba...

Change Color to a specific node in wpf TreeView

I have a service that retrieves to me a list of objects and the ID of one of them. I'm binding them to a TreeView with hyrarchial template and I want the one that has the given Id to be with different color. How can I do that ? ...

Design pattern(s) for a webservice enabled telerik treeview for navigation of a document site

I am currently working on a document management system in ASP.NET 3.5 using the Telerik AJAX toolkit. It consists of masterpage with a title banner across the top and a RadTreeview down the left hand side for navigation through the site. The treeview uses a combination of static nodes and dynamic ones. The dynamic nodes are populated via...

Binding treeview to ObservableCollection with a different hierarchy configuration

Hello, I have source-ObservableCollection holding hierarchical data in configuration A, and i want to display it using a treeview in configuration B(add custom parent-nodes, display different types of data on same hierarchy level). i've managed to to it only by setting the OC (ObservableCollection) hierarchy to match the exact desired o...

How to get the caller of a WPF Converter?

Hi, I try to get the element which calls a converter in it's Convert function. The reason is, that I've got a style for TreeViewItems, and want to Bind the BackgroundColor to the Content(If there are subitems or not). Therefore I need the Converter, who needs to know what the correspondenting Item contains, and in my opinion therefore...

PyGTK - Adding Rows to gtk.TreeStore

After following the official tutorial here: tutorial I'm still having issues adding rows/creating a TreeIter object. Here's what my code looks like: builder = gtk.Builder() self.treeview = builder.get_object("treeview") self.treestore = gtk.TreeStore(str) self.treeview.set_model(self.treestore) = gtk.TreeV...

How to apply a global style (allowing hightlighting after focus is lost) to a wpf treeview

I found the following code for showing the selected item in a treeview when focus has left, but I'm having trouble moving the code to App.xaml so any UserControl could use it. This does what I want <TreeView x:Name="trviewArchives" Width="141" Height="154" Canvas.Left="20" Canvas.Top="167" Background="{x:Null}" BorderBrush="#FF08182...

I need Wpf tree view like this

ViewModel has 2 field. Name, Childs I need like this 1. When click on the root element, do 2 operation first. expand yourself second. select first child. If child element has childs, repeat 1. otherwise do nothing Only last child (leaf) selectable ...

gtk.treeviewcolumn not sorting

I've gotten a sortable treeview working. Clicking on the columns makes it sort by ascending order, and clicking it again makes it sort by descending order. However, if I click on the column header a third time, it goes to some "unsorted" state, instead of back to ascending. I connected a function to the clicked signal of the column, and ...

C# Treeview help

Hi, If I have a treeview being imported into my main program from a dll event. How can I think assign this full Treeview to aTreeview control within my app? I have the Treeview object from the dll, but I can't figure out how to assign it to the control? Thanks. ...

Display hiarchy of n levels in cascading drop down lists or other smart solution that isn't TreeView

Well the title basically explains the problem pretty good, I have a hierarchy of n-level depth that I would like to display in a number or cascading dropdown lists. When making a choice in the first dropdown list all child nodes for that choice should be populated in another dropdown list next to the first, and for every choice in that s...

How to expand bound & styled TreeViewItem nodes

Hello, I have a TreeView in WPF which I have bound to a collection of categories that itself contains a collection of categories and son on and so forth. Currently, I'm binding the collection successfully and having all of my category names appearing. However, I also have an IsExpanded property on my collection objects that when all set...

ASP.Net MVC TreeView using JQuery - persist by location and cookie

So as the name suggest I have a treeview in an mvc view that persists by its location but sometimes you travel off the route of the tree, for example: Main page ----Child Page Say i went to an edit page for the details on the child page, I would still technically be in the child page node but the url for the page is different. If I ...

How to access inner TreeViewItem nodes without expanding the parent node

Hello, I have a WPF TreeView that is bound to a collection of custom objects - each of which has an IsExpanded property to expand the container TreeViewItem. I want to be able to programmatically access each TreeViewItem's control contents without expanding the parent TreeViewItem in the visual tree. However, when I attempt to access sa...

Better than TreeView

I'm binding a lot of data to a TreeView control as the data is a natural category hierarchy. The problem is that there is a lot of it. I have managed to remove a lot of the overhead by only binding those nodes which appear in the visible tree, but this still leaves a lot in the ViewState, et al. Does anyone have a method or alternative ...

Maintain tree view state after postback

Hi , I have a treeview which is creating its nodes from database....I want to maintain the expand collapse state of the treeview after postback ...