
How to know a QTreeWidget selected item?

I have a class that inherits by QTreeWidget, how can I know the actually selected row? I explain, usually we connect signals to slots by this way: connect(myButton, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(myClick())); I can't find nothing to similar for QTreeWidget->QTreeWidgetItem. The only way I found is this: redefining the mousePressE...

Getting data from a QTreeWidgetItem inherited class

I have a class which inherits from QTreeWidgetItem and I intercept the click event. I need to get another object from inside MY QTreeWidgetItem when I click the tree row, how can I do that?? ...

How to get a new window by clicking each items in treewidget

Can you please send me the code regarding treewidget items ,the issue is when we are clicking the list in treewidget we have to a new window in right side,by clicking different list we have to get the particular window according to list in treewidget. ...