
What's the easiest way to get the result of an HTTP GET request in using URL in JRuby

I'm attempting to build a Tropo Ruby application and I need to retrieve the result of an HTTPS GET. The Tropo platform doesn't have the httpclient Ruby gem so I can't use that. The Ruby engine used is JRuby so a suggestion has been to make use of the Java URL class to do the request. I've played around with it a little bit and I seem to ...

Which cloud telephony services support external sip providers?

I've looked at tropo, twilio and cloudvox, plus another bunch. Most of these services provide their own entry points (PSTN, sip, IM), which is cool. Unfortunately I already have a local PSTN number that is redirected to a local SIP account. For business, performance and cost reasons (I'm outside the US) I don't want to simply redirect ...