
Programmatically add trusted sites to Internet Explorer

I'm doing an IE automation project using WatiN. When a file to be downloaded is clicked, I get the following in the Internet Explorer Information bar: To help protect your security, Internet Explorer has blocked this site from downloading files to you computer. In order to download the report, I can manually add the site to...

Enabling all IE Trusted Sites Settings Through Registry/VBS

I have started a VBS to change all the Internet Explorer settings in Trusted Sites to enable and have had luck seeing the actual value change from whatever is was to 0 to indicate enabled IN THE REGISTRY. Problem is when I open IE settings none of the radio buttons have changed to indicate this change. Does anyone know where I went wrong...

How to add URL to the trusted zone in Internet Explorer?

How can I add an URL to the trusted site? It seems that there are stored in the registry, but where exactly? The hints I've googled so far weren't helpfull. The .net programm will run locally on each client. Edit clarification: I want to do this programmaticly running C# code. ...

What happens when you add/remove current site as trusted site?

What happens when you add/remove the current site, while logged on, as a trusted site? When users do this on our website, and then try to click on a link or close the browser, they get the following JavaScript exception: "Microsoft JScript runtime error: 'type' is null or not an object" in the below library code at the line "var etype...

Save a browser image to a location on the disk in Javascript

Is it possible for my intranet web application in Internet Explorer to save an image loaded into the browser to a location on the disk, without any user intervention? That is just save the image, and not ask the user where they would like to save it. As this is an intranet I'm happy to use WSH/Active Objects and make it a trusted site e...

Embeding or reparenting a Windows Application inside Internet Explorer

Is it possible to host/embed/reparent a normal Windows Application into a web page loaded into Internet Explorer on our Intranet? I'd like to do something like have the user press a button on our intranet site, and have the Windows application start and look like it's inside our application, as if it was "framed". I believe it's possib...