
Three20 - add items to launcherView after viewDidLoad

Hi I am getting a list of image URLs and corresponding names at run time in my app. I would like to add these images to a TTLauncherView object that I have. Cannot add these in loadView. I am making a call to the method for getting my data in a separate thread. Once the thread completes, I add the TTLauncherItem objects to an array and...

Am i implementing TTLauncher correctly?

I was playing around with the TTCatalog example, just tried adding a url with a url mapped in the appdelegate: [[[TTLauncherItem alloc] initWithTitle:@"Button 1" image:@"bundle://Icon.png" URL:@"tt://photoTest1" canDelete:YES] autorelease], For some reason, it's not doing anythin...

moving TTLauncherView from sdk3.x to sdk4.0 adds an ugly shadow to TTLauncherItem's badge

We are moving an app from iOS3.x to iOS4. Now a shadow shows up for the TTLauncherItem's badge, as show in the image. How to get rid of that shadow? ...

Three20 TTLauncher Issues

So, I'm having some issues with my implementation of the Three20 TTLauncherView. I am using their code, not a fork (although I have heard of rodmaz's version), and I can't get it to work properly. This is what my app looks like. I removed the icon image, that's not the issue. The issue is, at the top there is no Navigation bar at a...

hold down button to delete

Well, I cannot seem to find this anywhere on the site. So here is my question. I have a test app which creates multiple buttons and gives each one a unique name via "+" in the toolbar. So far so good. I am trying to find a way to press down on a button to get that Apple Jiggly effect and then delete that button and all subViews and dat...

How to change the color of the title in TTLauncherItem?

I am having a lot of trouble trying to change the color in the TTLauncherItem, because the default gray color does no work with my background. Any ideas? ...