
Why is Delphi TTreeNodes fundamentally tied to TCustomTreeView?

I'm trying to build several 'trees' in memory, and later assign one of them to a TTreeView control that the user can interact with. However, I can't construct any TTreeNodes objects without passing a pointer to an existing TTreeView. Passing in NIL causes AVs. Two questions:- What's the reason for this "hard" linking between TTreeNodes ...

Reordering Treenodes in C#.NET

Hi, I have a Visual Studio 2005 C#.NET GUI application. I want to provide the flexibility to reorder the treenodes in the treeview just by dragging and dropping them wherever desired. Is that possible by using any property of the treeview class? Or do I have to do it the hard way by writing events for mouseup and then sensing the draggi...