
Are there any open source/free LOGO implementations that support dynaturtles?

I'm looking for an implementation of the LOGO programming language that supports 'dynaturtles' - animated turtles that can programmatically change shape, speed and direction as well as detect collisions with each other or other objects in the environment. Back in the mists of time when the earth was new and 8 bit micros ruled supreme, A...

Did you feel learning to program with turtle graphics was useful?

I'm preparing to teach someone to program. When I learned the course material used turtle graphics for the first few exercises. In reading introductory textbooks I have not found one that uses the technique. Did others find this approach helpful. If not what is a better way to learn to program? ...

Python imaging using Turtle Graphics Resizing help

I am using turtle graphics through Python. My image is too large for the turtle window. I had to enlarge the image because the text I need at each spot overlaps. I have a few ideas on how to make the image fit inside the window, but I can't get any of them to work. Resize the window Resize the text Set bottom left and top right coordin...

TurtleGraphics Python - Constraining random-moving turtle in a circle?

How would I be able to make a randomly moving turtle be constrained inside a circle with a radius of 50, the circles center being at (0, 0)? So if the turtle is currently at location (x, y), it's distance from the center is math.sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2). Whenever the turtle's distance from the center is more than 50, have it turn around and...

TurtleGraphics Python: Bouncing turtle off the walls?

So, I am trying to make a realistic bouncing function, where the turtle hits a wall and bounces off at the corresponding angle. My code looks like this: def bounce(num_steps, step_size, initial_heading): turtle.reset() top = turtle.window_height()/2 bottom = -top right = turtle.window_width()/2 left = -right turtle.le...