
Simple Delegate Example?

Ok, I'm programming in objective-C and using Xcode. I have read through the documentation on Apple's website and understand what delegate's are but when I come to the part where it talks about how to actually implement delegate methods into code, I just become confused, especially when they say something like "now implement the delegate'...

How to write a simple database engine

I am interested in learning how a database engine works (i.e. the internals of it). I know most of the basic data structures taught in CS (trees, hash tables, lists, etc.) as well as a pretty good understanding of compiler theory (and have implemented a very simple interpreter) but I don't understand how to go about writing a database e...

.NET to Java Tutorials

I have been asked to create a simple database web app using Java. I'm a C# .net programmer and I haven't really created any Java web apps before. Do you guys know of any good books/online tutorials that can help me catch up on how Java web apps work? I got very little time to get up to speed, so any thorough examples will help a lot. ...

Django official tutorial for the absolute beginner, absolutely failed!

Not that level of failure indeed. I just completed the 4 part tutorial from djangoproject.com, my administration app works fine and my entry point url (/polls/) works well, with the exception that I get this http response: No polls are available. Even if the database has one registry. Entering with the admin app, the entry shows up th...

I need a Zend Framework start up guide PDF file.

I need a Zend Framework start up guide PDF file. http://www.mikaelkael.fr/Zend-Framework-1-8-x-documentation.html this is an advanced level..but i need a beginners level ...

Anyone have any knowledge on implementing Facebook Connect on an Asp.Net MVC app? (Or even a good tutorial to look at)

The only tutorial I've found so far is: http://my6solutions.com/post/2009/04/05/Integration-of-Facebook-Connect-on-ASP-NET-MVC.aspx I tried following it but it didn't get me anywhere because it kept saying there were missing methods (I'm guessing because the edited files he gives you is edited from an old copy of the facebook connect so...

What are some good websites for learning HTML?

What are some good websites for learning HTML? ...

Put an OpenID and Google Account Login in a Rails Project

Hello, I'm starting in the Rails world and i want to know how to put an login system like that here in Stack Overflow uses. Thanks, and remember that i'm starting, and if you can post a link to a very good tutorial, is very nice. ...

OpenAL programming - links to get Started and playing WAV

I am trying to make some games and an important part of them is audio. So far, SDL_Mixer seems great but lacks the Mix_SetMusicPosition equivalent for channels. As a result, I tried OpenAL. But I have a problem with OpenAL too. OpenAL seems way more complex than SDL_Mixer. Besides, the ALUT function for loading Wave files is deprecated...

Some good Unicode tutorials in C?

Anyone knows of some good Unicode tutorials with examples in C? I have to create a console app (to be run in xterm), with Unicode support, and it has to be on C. :( ...

Java: Code Examples for Tutoring

Are there any tips you have for preparing useful example code ? ...

GWT tutorial

I am willling to learn GWT, please help me getting the good tutorial for GWT. ...

ASP.NET page to image or pdf.

Hi everybody. I have an asp .net page like this: http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3631/3690714302_c17b259863.jpg My Table is Gridview and some Label, anybody can tell me how to create a button to convert my page to image or pdf file and save it to desktop. Help me please T__T. ...

Can somone help me understand this tutorial better?

Hi I am trying to go through this tutorial tutorial . This tutorial seems to do everything that I been looking for but I am having trouble trying to understand it. Maybe it is because I don't know enough of Xval, jquery.validate. 1st He seems to be using a typed view: RemoteValidation.Models.User. What happens if I want to pass some ...

Informative Game Development Tutorials for Java?

I've taken a couple of courses in programming (mainly Java) in my first year at college, and I've been trying to keep up my skills through the summer, so I was thinking of attempting a very basic video game project for the summer, because it would be an equally entertaining and educating way of practicing good program design. So, I was ...

How to use the php command line interactively?

Are there any howtos for using the php command line interactively? I found a lot about running sripts that are in text-files, but not really about the shell with the prompt where I type in commands: $ php -a Interactive shell php > echo "hello world"; hello world php > $a = 1; php > echo $a; 1 php > exit; $ When I go to the linux she...

Good tutorial for Java events?

I'm looking for a good tutorial into Java events. Something in the core framework that allows simple event semantics (similar to C#'s events). Googling for Java events gives a page from Swing UI documentation and some other page from 2002, which hardly seems appropriate. ...

Rails version changes regarding tutorials?

I've been going through some good (seeming) resources for Rails tutorials, and will dutifully follow the steps until halfway through I realize a helper has been dropped or something else has changed. Aside from the 1.0->2.0 change (which I imagine was significant, given typical versioning), are there other updates that have fundamentally...

Why are my HTTP resources not loading in the Flex in a Week tutorial series?

I'm working though the Adobe "Flex in a Week" video training series, and I've reached Exercise 9, which deals with creating a remote service call. Up til this point, the data source and images have been local assets (located in src/assets in my Flash Builder project). I access the room list by this: <mx:HTTPService id="rooms" url="ass...

Learning advanced CSS

Hi friends, I know basic CSS to the point that I can write simple style sheets which actually adds simple decoration to the html elements. (like border, text-color, background, font etc.) But I just realized that CSS is much more than that. One can actually build menus, tabs, arrange divs to come up with a http://news.google.com sort o...