
Converting an string to a enum type using TValue?

I want to convert an string to an enum type using TValue, I googled but I didn't find how to do that. type TEnumTest = (etFirst, etSecond); var D: TEnumTest; begin D := StrToENumTest('etFirst'); end; function StrToEnumTest(pStr:String):TEnumTest; var V: TValue; begin V := TValue.From<String>(pstr); Result := V.AsType<TE...

Rtti data manipulation and consistency in Delphi 2010

Has anyone an idea, how I can make TValue using a reference to the original data? In my serialization project, I use (as suggested in XML-Serialization) a generic serializer which stores TValues in an internal tree-structure (similar to the MemberMap in the example). This member-tree should also be used to create a dynamic setup form an...