
sql server 2008 table valued parameters linq2sql

Has anybody experimented with these. Is this supported? ...

How to ALTER the Table Value Parameter

i am not getting option like 'ALTER To' when am right clicking on TVP ...

Performance of bcp/BULK INSERT vs. Table-Valued Parameters

I'm about to have to rewrite some rather old code using SQL Server's BULK INSERT command because the schema has changed, and it occurred to me that maybe I should think about switching to a stored procedure with a TVP instead, but I'm wondering what effect it might have on performance. Some background information that might help explain...

What is the fastest way to create VB.NET Datatables from SQL TVP

I am in the process of revising code to use TVP to send data from our VB.NET app to the SQL 2008 DB and try to keep all the writes atomic. Using this page as a general guide: I am in the process of creating all the in-code datatables to be sent to the SQL stored pro...

Reduce dynamic SQL using CASE to use "IN" or not

I am converting a stored procedure which I had previously written as a string then, using BIT parameters I decided whether to append certain WHERE/ON clauses This sp is passed a number of comma-separated strings and then some of the dynamic WHERE clauses are like: IF @pUse_Clause_A THEN SET @WhereClause = @WhereClause + ' AND [FIELD_A]...

How to set up ASP.NET SQL Datasource to accept TVP

In the codebehind you would add the TVP as a SqlDbType.Structured for a stored procedure But this doesn't exist in an ASP.NET SqlDataSource control. I have stored my Datatables in session variables (don't worry they are small!) and I need to pass those as parameters to the SqlDataSource (which has a number of databound objects) I point...

ADO.NET XML type column in Table Value Parameter

Hi, This isn't actually a question, it's a problem which I couldn't find any help on, so I thought I'd post the solution I eventually found in case someone else encounters it. The problem was with an XML-typed column in a TVP parameter I was passing to a SQL Server 2008 stored proc. When I called ExecuteNonQuery() I got an error that...