how to prevent the appearance of the dialog box This document has changed. save changes? which occurs in the transition when webbrowser about: blank
Thank you so much. did so
Browser.Navigate ('about: blank');
DesignMode (false ,'');
Browser.OnNavigateComplete2: = NavigateComplite;
procedure NavigateComplite (ASender: TObject; co...
I'm using a TWebBrowser in my Delphi app. When an Internet Explorer Script Error dialog pops up it blocks automated refreshes ("the requested resource is in use"). Is there a way to automagically close the error dialog?
One possible solution is to use the Mozilla ActiveX Control instead of IE's (Firefox never shows...
I have TWebBrowser embedded in a TForm.
Whenever I press Alt button the browser window becomes white. If I drag the form around it repaints correctly.
What I am doing wrong?
I have DevExpress Bars and Quantum Grid if that matters?
I use Delphi 2010 and Windows 7 and XP SP2. IE version is 7 and 8. Reproducible on all.
Before pressing ...
In my Delphi 6 Pro program I'm able to change the cursor on a TWebBrowser component successfully using the code below, but only when it does not contain a valid web document:
theCursorID: integer = 1;
Screen.Cursors[theCursorID] := LoadCursorFromFile(PChar(theAniCursorFilename));
theWebBrowser.Cursor := theCursorID;
As soon...