
How to get all Twitter links?

There are lots of sites offering additional services to Twitter: They all have something in common: They seem to get all updates from Twitter. Otherwise, they couldn't offer such complex services with high quality results. But how do they do this? Twitter has a XMPP f...

Should I use the Twitter API or just the RSS Feed?

Hey guys, simple query Company I work for has set up a twitter handle, and on our website we're just gonna display like, the last 2 tweets. As we're only displaying, is there any advantage of using the API over just the RSS Feed from our profile page? I know the API has a number of calls restriction...does the RSS Feed? Cool, cheers ...

How do I get a twitter feed via a "username" query ?

I currently have the following URL but it searchs for a keyword rather than just the users feed. I want my users to be able to provide there username only and a feed be displayed on their profile. What url should i use to obtain a users feed including old posts? ...

Connected run-time RSS to TwitterFeed

I am creating RSS at runtime using PHP. I connected the link to TwitterFeed, but it is not submitting tweets to Twitter. Is it compulsory that the URL file name must have the extension .xml? ... links in wordpress twitter status updates leads to 404

All the twitter status updates on the wordpress sidebar have links. When I click on them, I get the 404 page because instead of going it tries to go"" with being the homepage for the wordpress blog. Is there an easy way to stop it from adding ...

Twitter - Streaming API for worldwide tweet monitoring?

I'm looking to create a Twitter map visualization much like these: However, according to the Streaming API docs: Twitter only permits streaming API access of an area's bounding box with each side's length equal t...

Twitter Api library? + retweeing

Hi I am looking at the twitter api page and I noticed that they have already built libraries that are wrappers against the twitter api. So I am thinking this is the best way to go but I am unsure which C# library I should use. Does anyone have any suggestions? What I am trying to do is make some simple serv...

How to call Twiter's Streaming/Filter Feed with urllib2/httplib?

Update: I switched this back from answered as I tried the solution posed in cogent Nick's answer and switched to Google's urlfetch: logging.debug("starting urlfetch for http://%s%s" % (, self.url)) result = urlfetch.fetch("http://%s%s" % (, self.url), payload=self.body, method="POST", headers=self.headers, allow_trun...

Twitter - Get users live tweets on my website instantly

Hello guys, I was checking out the website. While signing up I provided them with my twitter username. Now whenever I tweet and if my tweet contains $ and a stock ticker symbol - it instantly appears on I am interested in implementing something similar in my website. Just wanted an understanding of how thi...

How do I remove the @ replies from the Coldfusion Twitter feed?

<div id="rssConsumer" style="width:100%; border:1px solid #e8e8e8; margin:0px 0px 15px 0px;"><div style="margin:8px 10px 8px 10px; font-weight:bold; font-size:1.4em;">Recent Tweets</div> <cffeed action="read" source="" name="tweetfeed"> </cffeed> <cfloop from="1" to="3" ...

How to get Twitter tweets done by me with an HTTP Request

Hi, Is it possible to simply get the twitter posts done by a particular user into an application with simple http requests without logging in. As xml or json format. what I want to do is I want to get my twitter feeds as xml or json with a request, is it possible to do that. Could someone post example http request if its possible to d...

Twitter Streaming API - tracking exact multiple keywords in exact order

Hey Guys, I'm just beginning to play with the Twitter Streaming API. If I specify $sc->setTrack(array('just bought from')); This will correctly pull only tweets that have all 3 keywords - but doesn't maintain the order. 1) I want the keywords to appear in the same order like "I just bought apple from itunes" but the above al...

Javascript rotator showing 3 items with 1 highlighted?

I want to make a rotator for a Twitter feed on my site that will cycle through all the tweets in a way that shows 3 tweets at a time. The center would be highlighted and larger while the other two would be smaller and behind the middle one. They would then rotate through on a timer. I normally use jQuery and would think the Cycle plugin...

Twitter API: count followers, count total retweet, and retrieve RSS feed of someone's twitter page

Hi, I am new to Twitter API and only know that we can pull someone's Twitter feed from Twitter through RSS feed on that person's Twitter page/ profile. But, how can I pull more information of that person's Twitter page? For instance, His/ Her followers. Total of his/ her retweet items. There are a couple of...

How to increase "Twitterfeed's Posts"? (Default limit is 5.)

How to increase "Twitterfeed's Posts"? (Default limit is 5.) ...

Is it possible to get a RSS feed of a reddit with links to posts with X upvotes?

I created a subreddit that I am connecting to a twitter account via twitterfeed. Currently I have it pointed to this RSS feed. I would like to filter this RSS feed with posts that have X upvotes such that only the good posts reach the Twitter account. Is there a way to do this? via API or otherwise? ...

Twitter rate limit

hi, I'm trying to use this: to check that i'm not going over the rate limiting on twitter. Problem is i'm making calls but the remaining-hits param does not seem to be reducing by as much as i'm calling: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <hash> <reset-time-in-seconds type="inte...

xslt unescape twice (e.g. &amp;amp; to become &)

I am trying to transform some xml, which was returned by the Twitter Search api. It looks like the content element contains text that is escaped twice, Inception style. When I use the following in my XSL stylesheet it only unescapes it once: <xsl:value-of select="atom:content" disable-output-escaping="yes" /> How do I perform the seco...

Stream Twitter by search hashtag and then offical twitter stream

How do I go about calling the twitter API in a way similar to We are looking to do the same type of thing. I cannot figure out what is calling to twitter though in the code. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I can supply any needed details that you would need. I am using Wordpress but ju...

displaying live feeds : dailybooth live feed, twitter search result stream

What is the web technology behind displaying live feeds like twitter search results and dailybooth live feed? Can I get similar results from any RSS with some coding? ...