
Recommended twitter gem for ruby-on-rails

I've found a couple of different twitter gem (for ruby-on-rails) out there: But I'm wondering if someone can rate them and provide a recommendation of either one or a new one. Thanks ...

Ruby-on-rails: routing problem: controller action looks for show when it should look for finalize

background: trying to use the twitter gem for ruby-on-rails. in routes: map.resources :twitter_sessions map.finalize_twitter_sessions 'twitter_sessions/finalize', :controller => 'twitter_sessions', :action => 'finalize' (twitter_sessions is the controller for the twitter sessions in my app). The view has one file new.html.erb and i...

twitter retweets api

I'm using twitter gem as a library to work with twitter api. I've noticed a weird issue with getting retweets for the tweet. Whenever I make a call I get only retweets from my mutual connections. So, if someone retweets my post I'll never be able to get that retweet using proper api call. However, search function might be a solution for...