
Are two int arrays of different size "type equivalent" in C?

I'm reading about Type Equivalence in my Programming Languages class and I've come across a situation in C I'm unsure about. It describes C's "Type Equivalence" as: C uses a form of type equivalence that falls between name and structural equivalence, and which can be loosely described as "name equivalence for structs and unions, st...

Why did the language designers of C do type equivalance like this?

I'm learning C and I'm reading about type equivalence. I'm curious, does anyone have an opinion why they used structural equivalence for arrays and pointers but they used declaration equivalence for structs and unions? Why the disparity there? What is the benefit of doing declaration equivalence with structs/unions and structural equi...

C#: Oracle Data Type Equivalence with OracleDbType

Situation: I am creating an app in C# that uses Oracle.DataAccess.Client (11g) to do certain operations on a Oracle database with stored procedures. I am aware that there is a certain enum (OracleDbType) that contains the Oracle data types, but I am not sure which one to use for certain types. Questions: What is the equivalent Orac...

Should I Overload == Operator?

How does the == operator really function in C#? If it used to compare objects of class A, will it try to match all of A's properties, or will it look for pointers to the same memory location (or maybe something else)? Let's create a hypothetical example. I'm writing an application that utilizes the Twitter API, and it has a Tweet class,...

What are the arguments both for and against both name equivalence and structural equivalence?

In language design circles there used to be a long-running debate over whether languages should use structural equivalence or name equivalence. Languages like ALGOL or ML or Modula-3 used structural equivalence while ... well, pretty much most programming languages employ named equivalence (including Modula-2). What are the typical arg...

Check if an object is a generic collection

We are dynamically building some SQL statements and we are utilizing the IN operator. If our value is a collection of values such that: List<Guid> guids = new List<Guid>() I want to be able to provider 'guids' to my clause builder, have it verify the type and if it is enumerable create a clause like: IN ( {Guid1}, {Guid2}, {Guid3} ) ...