
Can you hint return types in PHP 5.2.5?

I think my eclipse's ctrl+clicking links might benefit greatly... Edit: I'm using eclipse PDT. Edit 2: I'm very happy with the solution of putting docblocks before functions (and variables) with an @return or @var statement, I've just updated the documentation of my app and now eclipse is showing me what functions are available to what...

JetBrains WebIDE: PHP variable type hinting?

Is there a way to hint WebIDE that a variable has some type? I have to iterate an array of objects, and there's no auto-completion available. This helps in ZendStudio: /* @var ClassName $object */ I know there's a feature in JetBrains to declare an array of objects: /** * @return ClassName[] */ But this works only with function's...

How can I catch a "catchable fatal error" on PHP type hinting?

Hello, I am trying to implement Type Hinting of PHP5 on one of my class, class ClassA { public function method_a (ClassB $b) {} } class ClassB {} class ClassWrong{} Correct usage: $a = new ClassA; $a->method_a(new ClassB); producing error: $a = new ClassA; $a->method_a(new ClassWrong); Catchable fatal error: Argu...

Type hinting in Python

I'm studying Python after a lot of PHP experience and it would be handy to have type-hinting in Python. Looks like eclipse + pydev doesn't support this. Any suggestions? For example, I want my IDE to show function docstrings and types, when I use it, like: def f(x: int) -> int: r"""Adds 3 to x""" return x + 3 f( #and now IDE...

Using type hints in Clojure for Java return values

I'm working on some Java / Clojure interoperability and came across a reflection warning for the following code: (defn load-image [resource-name] (javax.imageio.ImageIO/read (.getResource (class javax.imageio.ImageIO) resource-name))) => Reflection warning, clojure/repl.clj:37 - reference to field read can't be res...

Type hinting for functions in Clojure

I'm trying to resolve a reflection warning in Clojure that seems to result from the lack of type inference on function return values that are normal Java objects. Trivial example code that demonstrates the issue: (set! *warn-on-reflection* true) (defn foo [#^Integer x] (+ 3 x)) (.equals (foo 2) (foo 2)) => Reflection warning, NO...

Error when passing string into method with type hinting

In the code below I call a function (it happens to be a constructor) in which I have type hinting. When I run the code I get the following error: Catchable fatal error: Argument 1 passed to Question::__construct() must be an instance of string, string given, called in run.php on line 3 and defined in question.php on line 15 From what...

Type hinting not enforced in defrecord constructors

I created a type using defrecord with type hints for the fields. However, I found that these type hints are not enforced in the constructors and I am able to do some strange things with them. Look at the snippet below for example: user=> (defrecord Person [#^String name #^Integer age]) user.Person user=> (seq (.getConstructors Person)) ...

Is type hinting helping the performance of PHP scripts?

Hello there, Type hinting helps the compiler to assume the type of the variable, but, as the PHP is a dynamic scripting interpreted language, the question came to my mind if it's possible that type hinting even makes the runtime faster or not? ...

Iterable objects and array type hinting?

I have a lot of functions that either have type hinting for arrays or use is_array() to check the array-ness of a variable. Now I'm starting to use objects that are iterable. They implement Iterator or IteratorAggregate. Will these be accepted as arrays if they pass through type hinting, or undergo is_array()? If I have to modify my ...

How can I type hint an array?

I have the following record: (defrecord Signal [samples ^double sample-rate ^double scaling-factor]) How can I specify samples to be a double array? I am using clojure 1.2.0 Edit: @dreish I get the following output when I call (show Signal) after the changes from levand: [35] <init> (Object,double,double) [36] <init> (Object,doub...

How can I get intellisense in PHP/Eclipse on custom objects pulled out of array in foreach loop?

I have a collection of custom objects (Podcast) in an array. When I use a foreach loop to iterate through this collection, I don't have code completion on the variable that contains the object pulled out of the collection (as I would in C#/VisualStudio for instance). Is there a way to give PHP a type hint so that Eclipse knows the type...

Is it possible to specify more than one type hint for a parameter?

Is there a way to add more than one type hinting to a method? For example, foo(param) must receive a instance of string OR bar OR baz. Thank you. ...