
ASP.NET model binding to base type

Hi, I have a BaseViewModel that my View Models all inherit from. public class MagazineViewModel : BaseOutputViewMode { public string TitleOfPublication { get; set; } } In my controller I use a factory method to give the corret View Model back based on an input: // e.g. viewModel contains an instance of MagazineViewModel BaseOu...

F# somethink goes wrong

Hi, can anyone help me with this F# code? I am a F# beginner and I have a problem with it. Big thanks let rec rem l xs = match xs with | [] -> [] | x::xs -> if x>l then rem l y else x::(rem l y) let rec minfree1 l:long xs = match xs with | [] -> 1 | _ -> let nxs = rem xs l let l1 = List.length(nxs...