
ASP.NET AJAX or jQuery (UpdatePanel/ScriptManager or UFrame/jQuery.ajax)

Hi, We use the asp.net UpdatePanel and the ScriptManager/ScriptManagerProxy for ajax related functionality; reducing full page refreshes and calling WCF Services respectively. we also use jQuery and plugins for some parts of the UI. We have had some issues with javascript library related conflicts, but have come across some posts indic...

uframe load cross domain page

anyone know any workaround of using uframe to load external uri ? currently when i tried i get access denied on firefox ...

uframe external control

Hi all, I really like how uframe(http://www.codeproject.com/KB/aspnet/uframe.aspx) works but I can't find any documentation or example how I can control uframe div from the page which contains that uframe div. Simply putted I want on my page, to change parameters in src of a uframe div, so I can get diffrent populated content. For exa...