
iPhone UIBarButtonItem with custom view but also having a UIBarButtonItemStyle

Hi there, I am creating a UIBarButtonItem with a custom view in order to achieve a transition to a UIActivityIndicatorView as described here - however I really want my button to retain a normal UIBarButtonItemStyle such as UIBarButtonitemStyleBordered Is there a way to achieve this? Thanks! ...

Unwanted Edit button in my navigation bar?

Hi, I've got the following code in my app to display a modal view: InfoTableViewController *infoTableViewController = [[[InfoTableViewController alloc] initWithNibName:nil bundle:nil] autorelease]; infoTableViewController.title = @"Pirateometer"; infoTableViewController.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = [[[UIBarButtonItem alloc] init...

Which is the tintColor of UIBarButtonItem with UIBarButtonItemStyleDone?

Hi, I would like to use a UISegmentedControl with two buttons as a replacement for a single 'Done' button. To achieve this, I need to know the tintColor of UIBarButtonItems with UIBarButtonItemStyleDone. Cheers and thanks in advance MrMage ...

How to set the button created in the navigation bar as custom in iphone?

I am new to iphone development.I have created a UIBarButtonItem on the navigation bar.I want to set the proper to custom. There is no property as custom for "style:" attribute.Please help me out.Thanks. leftbutton = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"LEFT.png"] style:UIBarButtonItemStylePlain target:self actio...

How do I make a UIBarButtonItem 'glow'?

In the Maps app, when you press the tracking button in the lower left hand corner, it glows showing that it's pressed. This makes it behave like a radio button, and it will un-glow once you move the map. Is there a simple way to but a button into the pressed state? ...

Customize UIBarbuttonitem with Background Images

Hi guys, I have added an instance of UIToolbar and buttons on top of it . Each button's belongs to the class of UIBarButtonItem. My Requirement is that each button has a customized layout , i dont want to use the native button styles provided by Apple. So i had 3 options in Interface Builder ( Plain , Bordered , Done ). I have selecte...

Iphone create uibarbutton without interface builder

Hi , i want creating uibarbutton without interface builder = (whit code) and this button is style camera please help me ...